This task is used to receive AP Invoices against existing Work Orders created at Work Detail > New Work Order or AP Invoices that are for miscellaneous bills where a Work Order would not be normally created. If you need to receive a Usage Type Bill, use the Receive Utility Bills task. For customers who use BP Financials, IRES MRI, QuickBooks, eFinancials and Timberline, AP Invoices created in Property Manager allows you to export these invoices into your accounts payable system where they will be paid.
Creating AP Invoices in Property Manager allows you to track them against the Work Orders they result from, and the Maintenance Reports available under Reports allows you to report this activity across Communities, buildings, units and/or amenities.
After an AP Invoice has been received and coded, it will be displayed in the Verify Invoices To-Do List Activity, the Approve Invoices To-Do List Activity or the Export Invoices To-Do List Activity depending on how you have defined your Accounts Payable process flow at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants.
Vendors have been created with the Vendor Account Holders needed to receive this AP Invoice for.
Accounts Payable Detail General Information
Receive Invoice
Accounts Payable Detail Invoice
Receive Invoice
Find Vendor
The first step of the task is to select a Vendor Account Holder for the Vendor you wish to receive the AP Invoice for.
Vendor Account Holders are created at the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab.
Only Vendor Account Holders for communities and/or management companies that you have been authorized to see at the System Administration > Employees tab will be included in this list.
To further filter this list down enter any of the following search criteria:
Vendor Name - as you begin to type the Vendor Account Holder's name, the list will dynamically narrow down to all Vendor Account Holders that start with or contain the characters you have typed in.
For example, you can search for a telephone company and filter the list to all Vendor Names that contain the word telephone.
Account Nbr - as you begin to type in a Vendor Account Holder's Account Number, the list will dynamically narrow down to all Vendor Account Holders that have an Account Number that start with the characters you have typed in.
Community/Mgmt Co - select the Community or Management Company to see all Vendor Account Holders for the entity you have selected.
If the Vendor Account Holder that you are looking for is not in the list, you will need to navigate to the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab using the Add Vendor Account Holders task to add it.
If the Vendor Account Holder in the list is authorized for several communities and it does not have a specific Account Number assigned to a Vendor Account Holder, you will see “<multiple>” in the Community/Mgmt Co column of the list.
If a row with "<multiple>" is selected, you will need to select a specific Vendor Account Holder in the Add New Line Items step of the task.
Click the Clear link to clear out your search criteria.
Click Next after you have selected a Vendor Account Holder.
Work Order Items
If the Vendor Account Holder you have selected has completed Work Order Line Items (Work Detail), the next step of the task will be to select Work Order Line Items to include on this AP Invoice.
If there are no Work Order Work or Material Line Items, you will go straight to the Add New Line Items step of the task.
Only Work Order Line Items that have not been included on another AP Invoice and have a status of completed will be displayed. If you have already received an AP Invoice against the PO Line Item, it will not be listed here.
If a Work Order Line Item has already been designated as a Tenant Chargeback, that fact will be indicated with a Tenant Chargeback note under the Line Item Detail.
Set your search criteria to filter the list of Work Order Line Items down by:
Community/Co - select a specific community or management company that you are authorized to see at the System Administration > Employees tab.
Building - after selecting a community, you can further filter the list by selecting a building in that community
Unit - after selecting a community, you can further filter the list by selecting a unit in that community
It's not necessary to select a building before selecting a unit, but when a community has more than one building, selecting that building will filter down the list of units to those that are in that building.
Work Order - enter a Work Order Number to find that specific Work Item.
You can enter a partial value to find all Work Orders that start with what you enter.
Use the Select All and Deselect All links to select one or more of the Work Order Line Items listed.
As you highlight each of the Work Order Line Items, you will see its Work or Material Details.
Click the Add Work and/or Add Material links to add additional Work Order Line Items to the selected Work Order to be included on the AP Invoice.
Add Work - From here, you set the:
Location - location of where the work is to be done
Locations are added/maintained at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Locations.
Locations are defined for the Location Area you are in on the Maintenance Definition tab for Community, Building, Unit and Amenity.
Location Item - the Item that the work is to be performed on.
Location Items are added/Defined at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition.
Location Items are related to Locations by their Location Type at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Type Items.
Locations are defined for the selected Location in its Location Area you are in on the Maintenance Definition tab for Community, Building, Unit and Amenity.
Task - what work that is to be done.
Tasks are defined for each Location Item on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition table.
Skill - the skill will default based on the task selected. If the task doesn't have a skill set for it, you will select the skill from the drop down list.
The Skill is assigned to each task created for the selected Location Item on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition table.
Amount - enter cost of the work performed.
Status - the status will default to the status of the selected Work Order.
Reserve - set whether or not the work is reserve eligible or not, if applicable.
Enter any Notes about the Work Line Item as necessary.
Click Save to see the new Work Line Item is selected list of Line Items to add to the AP Invoice.
Add Material - From here, you set the:
Location - location of where the item belongs
Location Item - the Item that the material is or is part of (the item or a component)
If the material to be added to the Work Order isn't standard to your database, just type anything into the Material field.
If the material is standard, select a Material from the list of available materials.
The list defaults to only materials for the selected item. Materials are related to Items either on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials table or on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials that go with Items or Materials that go with Tasks tables.
You can also filter the list of materials to be of only the same Material Type of the selected Item. Material Types are assigned to Materials on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials table and Material Types are added/maintained on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Material Type table.
Size, Color, Model and Unit Price will be populated if those attributes have been defined for the selected Material on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials table. Any one of these attributes can be modified.
Enter the Quantity of the material to be obtained.
Status - the status will default to the status of the selected Work Order.
Reserve - set whether or not the material is reserve eligible or not, if applicable.
Enter any Notes about the Material Line Item as necessary.
Click Save to see the new Work Line Item is selected list of Line Items to add to the AP Invoice.
Click Next after you have selected each of the Work Order Line Items and added any other Work Order Line Items that are to be included on the AP Invoice.
Add New Line Items
Enter the Invoice Header Information:
Invoice Number from the AP Invoice being received.
This field is alphanumeric limited to a size of 27 characters.
When entering alpha characters, they will default to capital letters.
If you do not require Invoice #'s be entered at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants and you leave this field blank, Property Manager will generate a number for you automatically. The number generated will be "AUTO##" with ## increasing by one as each AP Invoice is received without an existing number.
If the Require Invoice # parameter is selected on Business Constants, you will be required to enter an Invoice # for each AP Invoice or Credit memo created at Accounts Payable Detail with the Receive Invoice, Receive Utility Bills, Receive Credit Memo and Receive Credit Memo for Selected Invoice tasks.
Please note that this parameter is not visible on Business Constants in the current version of Property Manager and is defaulted to being NOT selected. If you wish to require Invoice #'s for each AP Invoice, please contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 to have this parameter selected for you.
If you enter a duplicate Invoice Number for the selected vendor, you will receive an error when clicking Next or Finished to the task. You can change the Invoice # from the Add New Line Items step of this task.
Select or enter the Received Date of the invoice. This is the date you receive the invoice in the mail.
Select or enter the Invoice Date of the invoice. This date comes from the face of the invoice being received into the system.
The Due Date will default based on the Payment Terms setup at the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab using the Add AP Vendor or Maintain AP Vendor task.
You can change the defaulted Due Date to today or any day in the future.
Enter the total Amount of the AP Invoice in the Amount field. The sum of all Line Items added must equal this amount.
Miscellaneous Line Items can be created for $0.00, if you need to show work done at no cost
Select the "Review Hard Copy" checkbox if you want the approver of this AP Invoice to review the hard copy of the AP Invoice.
When the approver drills down into the invoice (Accounts Payable Detail > Invoice tab), they will see this flag.
Select the "Track Comp Price" checkbox if you want to be able to use this invoice to track comparable prices
When the approver drills down into the invoice (Accounts Payable Detail > Invoice tab), they will see this flag.
Maintenance Reports under Reports will have this flag available as a filter allowing you to compare prices on a particular skill, material or bill.
Select a Note Type and enter a Note to be added to the invoice.
This is the note for the entire invoice and won't be used for individual line items. Notes added in this task will show on the Accounts Payable Detail > Invoice tab in the Transactions data window as a Note Type transaction and in the Accounts Payable Detail > Invoice tab and in the Approve Invoices task.
Note Types include: Alerts, Discount Info/Terms, Information Change, Miscellaneous, Order Change or Vendor Comments.
Click the next to the Comments field to open up a popup box, which will allow you to see more of the note you are adding to the AP Invoice.
The amount billed will flow from the amount billed on the Work Order, but can be changed here.
The list of available GL Account Numbers will be limited to those of the Account Types Expense and Other Current Liability that have been set to "AP" at System Administration > Accounting Setup - GL Account Setup.
You can start typing the GL Account Number, and the closest match will display based on what you type.
For Work Line Items, the GL Account will default to the one defined for the Skill at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Skill. If the Skill doesn't have a default GL Account assigned, the GL Account will default to the one defined for the Vendor at Business Detail > General.
For Material Line Items, the GL Account will default to the one defined for the Material at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials. If the Material doesn't have a default GL Account assigned, the GL Account will default to the one defined for the Vendor at Vendor Detail > AP Vendors.
If you need to add additional Line Items to the AP Invoice, click the Add Line Item link in the "Line Items on this Invoice" title bar.
All line items added from this task are of the Misc Line Item Type
If you need additional Work or Material Work Order Line Items, they need to be added to new or existing Work Orders under Work Detail or on the Previous step of this task before they can be included here.
If you are looking to add a Usage Type Line Item, you need to use the Receive Utility Bills task.
Account Holder - select a Vendor Account Holder (limited to the Vendor Account Holders created for the selected community)
Please note, for BP Financials Customers, the Account Number for the selected Vendor Account Holder will be in the Reference field for the invoice when it is loaded to BP Financials and this field will print on the check printed paying this invoice.
Expense Code - the GL Account for the expense distribution will default to what is setup for the Vendor Account Holder, but can be modified when the default doesn't apply to the current AP Invoice being received.
If the Invoice Account doesn't have a default GL Account assigned, the GL Account will default to the one defined for the AP Vendor at Vendor Detail > AP Vendors.
The list of available GL Account Numbers will be limited to those of the Account Types Expense and Other Current Liability that have been set to "AP" at System Administration > Accounting Setup - GL Account Setup and also to the GL Accounts in the GL Chart assigned to the community or management company at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Export Information Setup.
If there are more than one Line Items already listed, when you select an Expense Code for the first one, you will be prompted to apply this Expense Code to the other Line Items that do not have an Expense Code already assigned to them.
Amount - enter the amount of the Misc Line Item.
As you update the Amount for each Line Item, the total adjusts accordingly. Before you can move onto the next step, the Total Amount Billed of the Line Items must equal the Total Amount of the AP Invoice entered above.
If you have defined an Allocation Percentage for the selected Vendor Account Holder at the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab, that will display here and the line item amount will calculate automatically based on that percentage.
If you selected a Vendor Account Holder that is defined for "<Multiple>" Communities/Mgmt Cos., then Line Items will be created for all Vendor Account Holders with the Allocation Percentages defaulted.
Description - enter additional information to describe the Misc Line Item
After entering the description to a Line Item and hitting the [Tab] key, an new row for a Misc Line Item will be available.
If you don't need to enter additional Misc Line Items, click the Remove link to remove the blank row just added.
If you have added a Misc Line Item to an AP Invoice in error, highlight that Line Item and click the Remove link.
Click Next to Add Attachments as described below OR click Save and Receive Another to complete the current AP Invoice without adding attachments to it and then receive another invoice without exiting the task OR click Finished to complete the current AP Invoice without adding attachments to it.
If the sum of the Line Items doesn't match the total amount, you will be asked if you wish to change the total amount. Click Yes to change the total amount or click No to go back and make changes to the line items.
If you had entered a duplicate Invoice Number for the selected vendor, you will receive an error. You can change the Invoice # without losing any of the information you have entered for the AP Invoice.
If you didn't select an expense code for any line item, you will receive a warning asking you if you would like to make corrections before continuing.
Attach Documents
If you have enabled Document Imaging for your database at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants (Attachments for Invoices can be set to be either Disabled, Allowed or Required), click the links to add a File or Scan attachment to your invoice.
With this functionality, you can attach the scanned invoice to the AP Invoice in Property Manager, for example.
If Document Imaging has not been enabled for your database or your Access Role (System Administration > Define Access) does not have access to this functionality, you will just click Next to go to the next step of the task.
Click here to for a description of the Manage Attachments step of this task.
Attachments added through this task will be available on the Accounts Payable Detail > General & Accounts Payable Detail > Invoice tabs to view and/or maintain.
Bostonpost Financials users have the ability to view scanned documents in Bostonpost Financials (i.e. - invoices) attached to an AP Invoice under the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab. Once the AP Invoice has been loaded to Bostonpost Financials, a link will be available that the user can click on to view the attachment without having to go back into Property Manager. Use of this functionality requires a custom field to be added to your Bostonpost Financials application. Please contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
Click Save and Receive Another to compete the AP Invoice and then receive another invoice without exiting the task OR click Finished to complete the AP Invoice(s).
The AP Invoice's Transaction Log will have the entry "Created".