This task is used to add new Vendor Account Holders to the Vendor in context to add new accounts for where an AP Vendor is to be used. Vendor Account Holders define where a vendor is used, paid from, and where the expense of the AP Invoice is to be distributed to. For In-House Vendors, the Vendor Account Holder is also the customer of the In-House Vendor. This task is also used to reactive Vendor Account Holders that have been made inactive with the Disable/Enable AP Vendor task.
The Vendor Account Holder is selected for each line item in the Receive Invoice and other tasks on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab. Each Vendor Account Holder can have an Invoice Account Type, which can be used to define what needs to be entered for each AP Invoice Line Item in the Receive Utility Bills task on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab. Invoice Account Types are maintained on the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab with the Maintain Invoice Account Types task.
New Vendor Account Holders are added without any danger of changing any existing ones. If you need to change a Vendor Account Holder that already exists, use the Maintain Vendor Account Holders task.
Vendor has already been added to Property Manager, and
An AP Vendor has already been created for the vendor.
Vendor Detail AP Vendors
Add New Vendor Account Holders
In this step you will be selecting which communities and/or management companies that you want to create the Vendor Account Holders for.
Select one or more Community and Management Company.
The communities and/or management companies that already have Vendor Account Holders created for them will show the number that already exist in the "Comm/Mgmt" column, and if any of these are by class code, you will see the words "By Group" (Funding Program Group Class Code) or By Building (Building Class Code).
Only the communities and/or management companies that a user has access to at the System Administration > Employees tab.
For each selection, select the Invoice Account Level and Invoice Account Type.
Account Level - select the level at which the AP Invoice Line Items will be billed for each Vendor Account Holder.
By Unit - i.e. - utilities billed to a specific unit, maintenance work performed on a specific unit.
By Building - i.e. - maintenance performed on the building as a whole or for common areas.
By Community or Management Company - i.e. - maintenance or work related to a community as a whole.
Invoice Account Type - define what needs to be entered for each AP Invoice Line Item in the Receive Utility Bills task on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab.
Invoice Account Types are maintained on the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab with the Maintain Invoice Account Types task.
If you select a community and/or management company with an existing Vendor Account Holder and set the Invoice Account Type to be the same (i.e. - settings match an existing Vendor Account Holder), when you click Next, your selections will be displayed, but you will not be able to change it with this task. If you need to change a Vendor Account Holder that already exists, use the Maintain Vendor Account Holders task.
The By Class Code? column will indicate for each applicable community whether or not the Class Code for those communities has been set to “Pick the Class Code” from a Funding Program Group or a Building at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Export Information Setup.
When you utilize Class Codes for a Community Export, the number of Vendor Account Holders to be created at the Community/Mgmt Co. Account Level will depend the number of Class Codes utilized in that community.
Community Class Code
Defined at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Export Information Setup.
When Class Codes are used at this level, you have a one-to-one relationship between Class Code and community, and therefore only need one Vendor Account Holder.
Funding Program Group Class Code
Defined at the Community Detail > Program Info tab
When Class Codes are used at this level, you have the possibility of having a Class Code for each Funding Program Group in the community, therefore you will need to have a Vendor Account Holder for each.
Building Class Code
Defined at the Community Detail > Facilities tab
When Class Codes are used at this level, you have the possibility of having a Class Code for each Building in the community, therefore you will need to have a Vendor Account Holder for each.
When the Export Information Setup for any given community has a Building Class Code Default set for it, a Vendor Account Holder will be created for the Building Class Code Default, as well as for each Building Class Code that also exists in the community.
After selecting the appropriate communities and/or management companies and made the necessary changes to the Invoice Account Level and Invoice Account Type for each, click Next.
In this step you will select on or more or all and then be creating each of the selected Vendor Account Holders with the following details:
Description - set a name/description for the Vendor Account Holder or leave blank. Vendor Account Holders can be selected by the community they are for as well as their account number, therefore a description is not necessary.
Acct Nbr - this will default to the Master Acct Nbr set on the first step of this task, and can be modified for each Vendor Account Holder, if necessary.
For In-House Vendors, the Acct Nbr is the Customer ID in your in-house vendor's accounts receivable system and must match for the exporting of AR Invoices from Property Manager.
Class Code - this column is not modifiable and will only have entries when a community uses Funding Program Group or Build Class Codes.
A community will have more than one row for each class code it has.
GL Acct - this will default to the GL Acct assigned to the AP Vendor above, and can be changed for each Vendor Account Holder.
The GL Accounts in this list will be limited to GL Accounts with the AP parameter set at System Administration > Accounting Setup - GL Account Setup, and to GL Accounts in the GL Chart specified for the community at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Export Information Setup.
Active - set to active, but a Vendor Account Holder can be set to inactive in this task, if necessary.
Alloc % - set the allocation percentage to be used for each Vendor Account Holder, if applicable. This column can be left blank if AP Invoices are not allocated on a percentage basis.
The sum of all allocation percentages entered does not have to add to 100%.
These allocation percentages are defaults and can be changed when in the Receive Invoice task on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab.
Click the Duplicate link to add a copy the highlighted row into a new row. For example, if the vendor is a Phone Company and one community has more than one bill (i.e. - more than one account), click the Duplicate link to make more than one account for the selected community.
Click Finished to create the new Vendor Account Holders.