Material types are used to categorize material for Location Items. You can assign each location item to a material type from the System Administration > Maintenance Setup Location Item Definition table. For instance, if you have an air conditioner as a location item, you can assign it a material type of HVAC. Under Materials, you can list several brands or models of air conditioners that are used at your communities that also have a material type of HVAC.
To add new material types, use the Insert New Item task.
In Property Manager, the following material types are available by default:
▪ General Supplies/Hardware
▪ Appliances
▪ Plumbing
▪ Electrical
▪ Flooring
▪ Building/Construction
▪ Landscaping
▪ Safety
▪ Cleaning
▪ Equipment/Tools
▪ Office Supplies
In the Material Type area, the following columns are available for each material type:
▪ ID—(System-generated) Displays the ID number of the material type, which is assigned when the material type is added to the table.
▪ Code—Displays a code for the material type.
▪ Description—Displays the description of the material type.
▪ Sort Order—Enter the order in which you want material types to be sorted. if left blank, the material types will be sorted alphabetically.
▪ Active—When this check box is selected, the material type is available for use in Property Manager.