This task is used to create an Inspection that can be used to track what Location Items have been checked on communities, buildings, units and/or amenities. Inspections can be of various types that are performed on a regular/ongoing basis. Inspections do not include work or material line items. They are a collection of items to be checked. If a problem is found during an inspection (an item failed), it will be addressed on a separate work order that can be created from the Inspection.
All Inspections are created from an Inspection Template created at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Templates - Inspection. Inspection Templates can be scheduled to create Inspections on a recurring basis. Inspections can also be created when an event occurs in Property Manager. Such as an Annual Recertification, Move-Out, Move-In (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Event Templates). This task is used to create Inspections manually on an ad-hoc basis.
Inspection Templates contain Location and Location Items for the entire database. If you create an Inspection for a Location Area (Community, Building, Unit, Amenity) and the Location and/or Location Items on the Inspection Template are not defined on the Maintenance Definition tab for the Location Area (Community, Building, Unit, Amenity) an Inspection will not be created and you will receive the error: "There are no items in the maintenance definition that match the inspection template."
All fields with an asterisk * are required fields and you won't be able to save the Inspection until these fields have entries.
All the appropriate Maintenance Setup Tables discussed at Work Detail have been setup with the maintenance definitions of your company.
Vendors, and In-House Vendors if applicable, have been added at Vendor Detail.
A Management Company, Maintenance Company or any of your communities have their Send Bill To Address set at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Export Information Setup.
Maintenance Detail
General Information
Create New Inspection
Community Detail
Maintenance History, Task Tracking, Item Tracking
Create New Inspection
Building Detail
Maintenance History, Task Tracking, Item Tracking
Create New Inspection
Unit Detail
Maintenance History, Task Tracking, Item Tracking
Create New Inspection
Amenity Detail
Maintenance History, Task Tracking, Item Tracking
Create New Inspection
Reported Date - The reported date will default to today's date, but can be changed to any date in the past. This is the date you learn or are notified that the Inspection needs to take place, not necessarily the date the Inspection is created in Property Manager.
If the Allow Time Entry on Dates is selected at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants, you will also need to set the time of day the Inspection request was reported.
Community/Co - select the community, maintenance company or management company the Work is to be done for.
A community, management company or maintenance company will be selected when this task is started with a Community/Co in context or with a community selected when started from Community Detail, Building Detail, Unit Detail or Amenity Detail.
A Management Company is added at System Administration > Management Offices, and has a Send Bill to Address assigned at System Administration > Accounting Setup > Export Information Setup using the Add Management Company Export Information using the Maintain Send Bill To task.
A Maintenance Company is added at Vendor Detail as an In-House Vendor, and has a Send Bill to Address assigned at System Administration > Accounting Setup > Export Information Setup using the Maintain Send Bill To task.
Community that has a Send Bill to Address assigned a System Administration > Accounting Setup > Export Information Setup using the Maintain Send Bill To task.
Entered On and Entered By - the date and user name of who is creating the Inspection is displayed and cannot be changed. This is the date the Inspection is entered into Property Manager.
Select the Inspection Template to create this inspection from.
An Inspection Template created at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Templates - Inspection.
Select the Emergency? indicator if the Inspection is to be considered an emergency.
Click Next to save the initial details of the Inspection and to modify the Inspection further as necessary. If no further changes are necessary, click Finished.
If the selected Inspection Template only includes Location Items at the community level to check, you will skip the Where to Check step of the task.
Set the Priority of the Inspection - High, Normal or Low.
Set the Work Order Code for the Inspection.
A Work Order Code is a way of classifying the Work Orders and Inspections created in your application. These codes are added/modified at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Work Order Codes.
You can search for Work Orders and Inspections based on this Work Order Code with the Find Work popup.
Maintenance Reports (Reports > Select Reports) can run by this Work Order Code.
Select the Skill necessary to complete the Inspection.
This will default to the Skill set on the Inspection Template, but can be changed as necessary.
Enter a Time Estimate in hours and minutes for how long the Inspection is expected to take.
The Items to Check from the Inspection Template the Inspection was created from will be listed.
The list will only include Location Items that are defined for the area being checked (Community, Building, Unit or Amenity > Maintenance Definition).
You can:
Change the Sort Order for the Line Item.
Set the Deficiency for each Line Item. Each Location Item will be listed once with the Deficiency set to None.
You can select a specific Deficiency to check for or leave as None to check the Location Item in general.
Enter a Description for each Inspection Line Item to further describe what the inspection of that Location Item is entail, for example.
If the Inspection Line Item isn't necessary for this Inspection, you can click the Action button to delete the selected Inspection Line Item.
Click the More... link in the Detail column to see and modify more details about the selected Inspection Line Item. From here you can change the:
Sort Order
Select a specific Building/Unit, if applicable
Set the Health & Safety risk for the Inspection Line Item:
Location Item
Deficiency and
To add additional Inspection Line Items click the Add Item link. From here, you set the:
Sort Order
Set the Health & Safety risk for the Inspection Line Item:
TBD - To Be Determined
NLT - Non-Life Threatening
LT - Life Threatening
N/A - Not Applicable for the Inspection Line Item
A Location Item's Health and Safety can be set for each Deficiency at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition.
Location - location of where the Location Item to be inspected is.
Location Item - the Item that is to be inspected
Deficiency - what the Inspection is meant to find.
Enter any Description about the Inspection Line Item as necessary.
Click OK to save the new Inspection Line Item.
On the next step you can Schedule when the Inspection will/should be done. If you are not ready to schedule the Inspection at this time, click Finished, and the Inspection can be scheduled later.
To Schedule the Inspection now:
Set the Planned Start Date, which is the date you want the work to begin
Set the Due Date, which is the date you want the work to be finished by.
When the Source of an Inspection Template is set to 3rd Party Inspection or Annual Unit Inspection, the Due Date can be set to calculate automatically based on settings in the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Maint Source Defaults table. From this table, by the source of these types of Inspections, you can default the number of hours after the planned start date you want the work to be done by. You set a different number of hours, if the Inspection is set as being an emergency.
Select the Appointment Block that the Inspection is to be scheduled in.
Appointment Blocks are maintained on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Appointment Block table.
The number of available Appointment Blocks is set on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants table.
Enter any Notes about the scheduling of this Inspection as necessary. This note will display in the Inspection's transaction log for this Scheduling Event.
Select to either schedule the Inspection with a Staff Member (System Administration > Employees) or a Vendor (Vendor Detail > Vendor Locations)
Use the Quick Find drop down list to search for a Staff Member or Vendor by typing in their name. As you start typing the name, you will be brought to the closest match of what you are looking for.
If Scheduling with a Staff Member:
The list of Staff Members is initially filtered down to only those staff who have the skill necessary to perform the work (Match on Skill). Deselect this parameter to see all available staff.
The list of employees includes those that have the Maintenance Crew Employee Flag selected at the System Administration > Employees. A Staff Members skills are set here.
The list of Staff is also limited to those Employees who have access to the community the work is to be performed at. This Access is set at System Administration > Employees.
Select one or more staff members to schedule the Inspection with.
As you select each staff member, you will see that person's current work load for the Planned Start Date of the Inspection so that you can make a judgment on whether or not they can take on this work.
Each Appointment Block on an employee’s schedule will show the percentage of time in that Appointment Block is allocated. If the percentage is more than 100 % (employee is over-scheduled), the block will show as red.
As you hover over each Appointment Block, you will see a Info Bubble with details behind the work to be done in that block.
When work is scheduled, you will see the Work Order and/or Inspection Numbers.
A Staff Member's Regular Work Hours are defined at Employee Calendar > Regular Work Hours. For Appointment Blocks that an employee does not work in, the block will show as 100% scheduled, and the Info Bubble shows as it being "Non-Work" time.
If the staff member is out for Vacation or an Other Reason, the Info Bubble will include those details.. An employee's time off is scheduled at Employee Calendar > Scheduled Time Off .
Click on the forward and back hours or select a different date to see the work load for other days.
If Scheduling with a Vendor:
The list of vendors is initially filtered down to only those vendors who have the skill necessary to perform the work (Match on Skill). Deselect this parameter to see all available vendors.
A Vendors skills are set at Vendor Detail > Vendor Locations.
Select a Vendor to perform the work.
When scheduling a Vendor, the next step of the task will be to select a staff member to be present with the vendor, if necessary.
Click Next to move onto the next step of the task.
If the Inspection has been scheduled with a vendor, the next step is to select a staff member to be present when the vendor is on site. If not, skip to next step.
Select Yes if you do want a staff member present.
Select the staff member to be present.
As you select each staff member, you will see that person's current work load for the Planned Start Date of the Work Order so that you can make a judgment on whether or not they can take on this work.
Click Next to move onto the next step of the task.
If enabled on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants table, the next step of this task will be to Attach Documents.
Click the links to add a File or Scan attachment to the Inspection.
If Document Imaging has not been enabled for your database or your Access Role (System Administration > Define Access) does not have access to this functionality, you will just click Next to go to the next step of the task.
Click here to for a description of the Manage Attachments step of this task.
Attachments added through this task will be available on the Work Detail > General Information - Inspection or the Maintenance Detail > General Information tabs to view and/or maintain.
Click Next to move onto the Print Options step of the task.
If you are finished with this Inspection, click Finished.
The Print Options step will allow to print out the Inspection, as well as any documents included in the “Inspection: Create Inspection” document group at System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups.
Click Finished.
Maintenance Detail > General Information