This task is used to record the inspections results for the selected Inspection. Work Orders will be created for any failed Inspection Items.
Inspection has been scheduled and dispatched.
Work Detail General Information
Inspection Summary
Record Inspection Results
Maintenance Detail
General Information
Record Inspection Results
For each Item checked set the Result of the inspection. The available selections will depend on the Deficiency Rating Scheme set on the Inspection Template (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Templates - Inspection) that the Inspection was created from.
Pass - Item checked passed inspection, no deficiency found
Pass with Exception (PWE) - Item checked passed inspection, and exception was found, but this exception does not require the deficiency found be corrected.
You are required to select the Deficiency found and enter a Description of why the Item was passed with an exception.
Fail - Item checked failed inspection
You are required to select the:
Deficiency that caused the failure.
Task needed to correct the Deficiency. The task will default based on the Default task set for the deficiency (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition)
Fixed - select Yes or No.
Yes - means the deficiency has already been corrected.
No - means a Work Order is needed to correct the deficiency.
Level 1/2/3, LT/NLT
Pass - Item checked passed inspection, no deficiency found
Pass with Exception (PWE) - Item checked passed inspection, and exception was found, but this exception does not require the deficiency found be corrected.
You are required to select the deficiency found and enter a description for what was found.
Fail - Level 1 (Lvl1), Level 2 (Lvl2) or Level 3 (Lvl3) - Item checked failed inspection with the selected level of failure (3 being the highest/worst)
You are required to select the:
Deficiency that caused the failure.
Task needed to correct the Deficiency. The task will default based on the Level of failure selected for the Deficiency. When a failure of the particular deficiency is recorded at this level on an Inspection, the task with this same level will be the default task for the Work Order created from the deficiency (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition).
Fixed - select Yes or No.
Yes - means the deficiency has already been corrected.
No - means a Work Order is needed to correct the deficiency.
You are not required to set the Result for all Items to Check. If are any left as None, the Inspection will remain open at the conclusion of this task.
If the Inspection Line Item isn't necessary for this Inspection, you can click the Action button to delete the selected Inspection Line Item.
Click the More... link in the Detail column to see and modify more details about the selected Inspection Line Item. From here you can change the:
Sort Order
Select a specific Building/Unit, if applicable
Set the Health & Safety risk for the Inspection Line Item:
Location Item
Deficiency and
After setting the Inspection Result for all applicable Items to Check, click Next.
Any needed Work Orders will be created and the Results popup will display the Work Order Number(s) of those created.
From the Time Tracking step of the task you can specify the time spent by staff on doing the work specified in the Inspection.
Click the Add link to add an employee's time to the Inspection.
Select the Employee to record the time for
Only Employees scheduled on the Inspection are available.
Select the Start Date
Enter the Start Time
Enter the Timed Worked in hours and minutes.
If the selected Employee has an hourly rate specified on the System Administration > Employees tab, that will be displayed here and an estimated extended amount will be calculated.
Click the Add link to add each scheduled employee's time to the Inspection.
Click the Delete link to delete any row that was previously added in error.
Click Next.
If enabled at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants, Billing will be the next step of the task. Otherwise, skip to Step 9 below.
From the Billing step of the task you can enter the billing information for the Inspection. For Work performed by In-House Vendors (Vendor Detail > Vendor Locations), this will be the amount to be billed from the In-House Vendor (Maintenance Company Detail > Create AR Invoice) to the Community (Accounts Payable Detail > General Information).
Click Next.
If enabled on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants table, the next step of this task will be to Attach Documents.
Click the links to add a File or Scan attachment to the Inspection.
If Document Imaging has not been enabled for your database or your Access Role (System Administration > Define Access) does not have access to this functionality, you will just click Next to go to the next step of the task.
Click here to for a description of the Manage Attachments step of this task.
Attachments added through this task will be available on the Work Detail > General Information - Inspection or the Maintenance Detail > General Information tabs to view and/or maintain.
Click Next.
The Print Options step will allow to print out any documents included in the “Inspection: Record Inspection” document group at System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups.
Click Finished to close the Inspection.
Maintenance Detail > General Information