Schedule Work

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This task is used to schedule the selected Work Order or Inspection that hasn't been scheduled yet.  If the task is started from the Schedule To-Do List Activity on the Maintenance Detail > General Information tab, the Planned Start Date and the Staff or Vendor selected to do the work will have been defined before the task has been started.


The Schedule To-Do List Activity on the Maintenance Detail > General Information tab allows you to schedule work either by Work or by Staff/Vendor.  If you are scheduling By Staff/Vendor, Steps 1 - 6 occur as outlined below.  If you are scheduling By Work, Steps 4 - 6 will precede Steps 1 - 3.

Prerequisites to complete task correctly.

How do you get here?

Work Detail General Information Work Order Summary Schedule Work


Work Detail General Information Inspection Summary Schedule Work


Maintenance Detail General Information Schedule Work

To schedule the selected Work Order or Inspection:

  1. Set the Planned Start Date, which is the date you want the work to begin

  2. Select the Appointment Block that the Work is to be scheduled in.

  3. Set the Due Date, which is the date you want the work to be finished by.

  4. Select to either schedule the Work with a Staff Member (System Administration > Employees) or a Vendor (Vendor Detail > Vendor Locations)

  5. If Scheduling with a Staff Member:

  6. If Scheduling with a Vendor:

  7. Click Next to move onto the next step of the task.

  8. Select Yes or No to the question: Would you like to dispatch now?

  9. Click Next to move onto the next step of the task.

  10. If the Work Order has been scheduled with a vendor, the next step is to select a staff member to be present when the vendor is on site.  If not, skip to next step.

  11. Click Next to move onto the next step of the task.

  12. If the Work Order or Inspection has been scheduled with a vendor, the next step is to select a staff member to be present when the vendor is on site.  If not, skip to next step.

  13. Click Next to print out the Work Order or Inspection, as well as any documents included in the “Work Order: Schedule Work Orders”  or "Inspection: Schedule Inspections" document group at System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups.

  14. Click Finished to schedule the Work.

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