This task is used to record the status for the selected Work Order that has been dispatched.
Work Order has been dispatched
Work Detail General Information
Work Order Summary
Record Status for Selected Work Order
Maintenance Detail
General Information
Record Status for Selected Work Order
All Work and/or Material Line Items will have their status set as they were before starting this task. You can change the status of any of the Line Items to Open or Cancelled, as necessary.
Click Next once you have the status of each Line Item set to what it should be (Open, Closed, Cancelled).
If had left any of the Line Items Open, you will receive the message "Your choices will leave this work order open. Are you sure you want to continue?" Click Yes to continue or No to stay on this step of the task.
If enabled at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants, Additional Checks will be the next step of the task. Otherwise, skip to Step 5 below.
If the Work Order contained Additional Checks (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Templates - Additional Check) where you will set the Result of each check that was made:
None - the Additional Check wasn't done
Pass - the Deficiency that you were checking for wasn't in evidence. The Additional Check Passed.
PWE - Pass with Exception. The Additional Check Passed, but something else was observed or it barely passed.
Fail - the Deficiency that you were checking for has occurred. The Additional Check Failed.
When the Result is set to Fail, the default Task for the Deficiency (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition) will be displayed. You can accept the Task or change it to any other available task for the selected Location Item.
Select Yes or No for whether or not the Deficiency has been corrected.
If Yes is selected, the matter is closed.
If No is selected, a related Work Order will be created to fix this found Problem/Deficiency.
The new Work Order will inherit the same Work Order Number with a "-1", "-2", etc. suffix.
Both the old Work Order and new Work Order(s) will be placed in a new Project called "Failed Check Item". The Project Number will be the same as the original Work Order Number (less the prefix).
Click Next once all the Additional Checks have been addressed.
If any of the Work Order Line Items had been left open on the Close Work Order step of the task, the next step will be to Move Items to New Work Order.
Select the Open Line Items to move.
Add a Note by selecting a Note Sub-Type (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Work Order Transaction Sub Type) and enter a Note.
Use the button to expand the Note field to see more of what you are typing.
Notes entered here will show in the Transaction Log of the newly created work order.
Select Schedule Now to schedule the new Work Order.
Select a Staff Member or Vendor
Set the Planned Start Date
Select the Appointment Block that the Work Order is to be scheduled in.
Appointment Blocks are maintained on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Appointment Block table.
The number of available Appointment Blocks is set on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants table.
Set the Due Date
Select Dispatch Now if you want to dispatch the work order immediately from this task.
Click Next to add the new Work Order(s).
The new Work Order will inherit the same Work Order Number with a "-1", "-2", etc. suffix.
Both the old Work Order and new Work Order(s) will be placed in a new Project called "Failed Check Item". The Project Number will be the same as the original Work Order Number (less the prefix).
From the Time Tracking step of the task you can specify the time spent by staff on doing the work specified in the work order.
Click the Add link to add an employee's time to the Work Order.
Select the Employee to record the time for
Only Employees scheduled on the Work Order are available.
Select the Start Date
Enter the Start Time
Enter the Timed Worked in hours and minutes.
If the selected Employee has an hourly rate specified on the System Administration > Employees tab, that will be displayed here and an estimated extended amount will be calculated.
Click the Add link to add each scheduled employee's time to the Work Order.
Click the Delete link to delete any row that was previously added in error.
Click Next.
If enabled at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants, Tenant Chargeback and Billing will be the next steps of the task. Otherwise, skip to Step 13 below.
From the Tenant Chargeback step of the task you can specify which Line Items should be charged back to a tenant. This is only available for Work Orders for Units.
For each Line Item to be charged back, select the C/B? box.
Select the Household to be charged.
This list will include the current household, along with households that have lived in the Unit the work was performed on.
Select the Balance Type to describe the charge.
Only Balance/Charge Types that "Allow Tenant Chargeback" at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Charge Type Setup will be included in this drop down list.
Enter the Amount to be charged.
If the Line Item is a Material Line Item, then the amount will default from the Unit Price defined at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials.
Click Next.
From the Billing step of the task you can enter the billing information for the work order. For Work performed by In-House Vendors (Vendor Detail > Vendor Locations), this will be the amount to be billed from the In-House Vendor (Maintenance Company Detail > Create AR Invoice) to the Community (Accounts Payable Detail > General Information).
For each Line Item that will be billed, mark it as Selected and
For Work Line Items:
Accept the Units of what is to be billed on the work order or change as appropriate.
Accept the Rate/Price that is on the work order or change it as appropriate.
For Material Line Items:
Accept the Quantity that is on the work order or change it as appropriate.
Accept the Rate/Price that is on the work order or change it as appropriate.
Click Next
If enabled on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants table, the next step of this task will be to Attach Documents.
Click the links to add a File or Scan attachment to the Work Order.
If Document Imaging has not been enabled for your database or your Access Role (System Administration > Define Access) does not have access to this functionality, you will just click Next to go to the next step of the task.
Click here to for a description of the Manage Attachments step of this task.
Attachments added through this task will be available on the Work Detail > General Information - Work Order or the Maintenance Detail > General Information tabs to view and/or maintain.
Click Next.
The Print Options step will allow to print out any documents included in the “Work Order: Record Work Order” document group at System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups.
Click Finished to close the Work Order.
Maintenance Detail > General Information