This task is used to reschedule one or more Work Orders and/or Inspections that have been scheduled.
Work has already been scheduled.
Maintenance Detail
General Information
Batch Reschedule Work
Select Planned Start Date to see all work that had been scheduled for that Planned Start Date or leave blank/null to see all work that has been scheduled but not yet dispatched.
Select to see all work scheduled with Staff or a Vendor.
If work had been scheduled with a Vendor and a staff member was set to accompany the vendor, then that work will be displayed when either Staff or Vendor has been selected.
If you are reassigning work, select the Staff Member or Vendor from the Reassign Work From drop down list.
If you want to reassign work from one Staff Member or Vendor to another, you can only reassign from one Staff Member or Vendor at a time.
If you are only changing the planned start date and/or the appointment block the work is scheduled in, leave this drop down list blank/null.
Enter any Notes about the rescheduling of this Work as necessary. This note will display in the Work Order or Inspection's transaction log for this Scheduling Event.
Select each Work Order and/or Inspection to be rescheduled and/or reassigned and set the
New Planned Start Date
New Appointment Block that the Work is to be scheduled in.
Appointment Blocks are maintained on the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Appointment Block table.
The number of available Appointment Blocks is set on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants table.
Click Next.
Select Yes or No to the question: Would you like to dispatch now?
If Yes is selected:
Select which Printer you want to send the Work Order or Inspection as well as any other documents to go along with the Work Order or Inspection.
Your list of printers will include all the printers available from your computer, as well as, an Adobe PDF option and FAX (if available).
The Location/Ship To Address to be included on each Work Order and/or Inspection will default based on the setting of the default address defined on the Community Detail > General tab.
If No is selected, just click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next to print out the Work Order or Inspection, as well as any documents included in the “Work Order: Schedule Work Orders” or "Inspection: Schedule Inspections" document group at System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups.
Click Finished to reschedule the selected Work.