The Manage Vacancies tab is broken down into a To-Do List Activities to manage and track the activities in regards to managing vacancies for a selected community or all communities the user is authorized to view. With this tab, you can track move-ins, transfers and move-outs from one location.
The Manage Vacancies tab gives you one place to perform all of these To-Do List activities, which should prevent you from having to go from household to household searching for individuals to move-in or transfer. These tasks are still available from the household level, so that if you are starting from a household, you don’t need to leave that household and navigate to the Manage Vacancies tab to move them in or out.
Schedule Move-In/Transfer Alerts:
The Statistics link displays the compliance layer requirements for the community in context. Several Unit attributes, which can be seen at the Unit Detail > Compliance / Rent / Transaction tab, impact these statistic calculations. These attributes include the unit's funding program eligibility, Tax Credit BIN, contract, the unit class and the unit lock status (Maintain Unit Locked Status - dd/mm/yyyy). The presence or absence of these unit compliance attributes, in conjunction with the waitlist group requirements, create Alerts which help to point you to particular units that best meet the compliance requirements.
The Alert column should help to guide the user to make the right decision on managing the vacancies for a particular community and/or waitlist group (i.e. - choose a unit with a need before selecting a unit without a compliance alert). For unit and/or waitlist group where it applies, the Alert column will display Compliance Alerts in red text either:
Unit List (Schedule Move-In/Transfers)
Next - Applies to Units in a Federal Tax Credit BIN where the Next Available Unit Rule applies. This is a shortage created by the "140 Over Rule" (Federal Tax Credit Program), such that a household already in this Community/BIN is 140% over the required income limits. The NEXT move-in scheduled must be a household into a unit that will satisfy this same compliance layer.
Need - Below minimum, take this unit ahead of others. The Alert column will display “Need” when a unit is eligible, counted or locked in a funding program or layer, and one of the waitlist groups it is associated with has requirements for additional units to be filled on the Statistics link.
Waitlist Groups for Which the Unit is Eligible
Next - If the unit is eligible for more than one Waitlist Group, this compliance alert directs you to the Waitlist Group that should be satisfied next. The unit is in a Federal Tax Credit BIN where the Next Available Unit Rule applies. This is a shortage created by the “140 over rule” (Federal Tax Credit Program); a household in this community/BIN is 140% over the required income limits. The NEXT move-in scheduled must involve moving a household into the same compliance layer that a 140 household currently occupies. Open requirements for “Next” units take precedence over other programs below minimum.
Need - Below minimum, take this waitlist group ahead of others. One or more funding programs in this waitlist group requires one or more units to be filled with a household qualified in that funding program. The Alert column of the Waitlist Group Window will display “Need” when a waitlist group contains a funding program that is below minimum requirements. Additional information about the status is displayed under the link for Household Selection Criteria.
Block - Move-in to the unit will be blocked because a funding program has a shortage that is not included in the selected waitlist group. A Block alert prevents users from choosing a waitlist group unless an override is performed. Clicking on the link for Household Selection Criteria will provide more details on the blocked status.
The alert column of the Waitlist Group Window will display “Block” when a waitlist group either:
Layers for one of the non-optional funding programs in this waitlist group are at maximum;
Layers for the BIN, contract or unit class for this unit are at maximum;
A unit is locked out of a program in this waitlist group;
The unit is only eligible for programs without shortages, AND another waitlist group (not associated with the unit) has requirements
An optional funding program at maximum will not show a Block in order to allow a move-in on the Not Participating layer.
When an override box (Age Compliance Check, Handicap Compliance Check, Income/Layer Compliance Check, Override RA) for is checked in the Schedule Move-In/Transfer task, households that do not meet the compliance requirements are displayed with the yellow warning , and the More... link will give the reason why the override is required for the Move-In.
For units that are blocked from a funding program with the Maintain Unit Locked Status - dd/mm/yyyy task on the Unit Detail > Compliance/Rent/Transaction History tab (Unit is locked into a Funding Program), when a waitlist group is selected, no waiting households will be displayed for the funding program that they are locked out of.
Each of these Alerts is a hyperlink that will provide a full description of the alert, including what is causing the alert. This information combined with the Household Selection Criteria link, the Statistics link, and the or
More... link for each household in the waitlist should help you to choose the right unit and/or waitlist group to move a household into.
Households with the block icon are those who cannot pass schedule move-in because of criteria such as move-ins aren’t allowed to cause a swap or the unit is locked in another layer.
If a household has both a block and a warning condition, only the block will be displayed. If the warning is different than the block, the popup will display both the reason for the block and for the warning.
Move-ins can cause a unit to change funding program groups based on the statistics and waitlist group/funding program group selection using the unit's eligibility. You can have a flag set to prevent this from occurring. With the flag set, you will be prevented from making a funding group change from the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > Manage Vacancies tab. Instead you will need to use the Swap Counted Group task from the Unit Detail > General tab to reconfigure your units.
If you want this flag set, please contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 to set it for you. This setting cannot be changed from Property Manager.
Please Note: Reminders are not created for Move-Ins, Transfers or Move-Outs. The Manage Vacancy To-Do List is where you go to see what needs to be done in this area.
A list of tasks available here is provided below. Click anywhere on the image for more information.
Tasks will only show when there are households that are listed that meet the prerequisites of the task.
Some tasks are available in more than one step of the process.
Schedule Move-In/Transfer: |
Approve Move-In/Transfer: |
Authorize Overrides: |
Confirm Move-In/Transfer: |
Confirm Move-Out: |
Verify References: |
Move-Out Accounting: |
Certify Move-In/Transfer: |