This task is available whether or not you have a FADV CoreLogic Export Type setup at the System Administration > Export Setup tab. You only use this task when you are ready to set the Resident Screening Status as Approved or Rejected. Resident Screening Results will be displayed for the selected waitlist entries. If you use CoreLogic, previous resident screening submissions will display in Screening History.
Occupancy and Compliance Manage Vacancies Tab
Manage Resident Screening Results
Household Detail
Waitlist tab
Manage Resident Screening Results
Record the Results for this resident screening
Decision - set the decision to:
Approved - if you are ready to approve this household in regards to their resident screening, select approved.
Rejected - if resident screening results are such that the household is not acceptable, select rejected.
If you are not ready to make this decision, back out of the task.
Pending is only valid from the Run Resident Screening for Selected Entry task. If you leave the choice as pending, you will receive an error.
No matter which decision is made, you are required to enter a note in regards to this decision.
If you use CoreLogic and a previous resident screening has been run for the household, the Screening History will show the results for all previous submissions.
You can set the view of the Screening History to be for screening requests for the selected waitlist entry only or for all screening requests of the household.
If you do not use CoreLogic, there will be no Screening History to display.
After the results have been recorded, click Finished if you are done or click Next. to apply this screening request to other waitlists the household is on.
Select each Waitlist Entry to apply this screening results to.
If you use CoreLogic, for each Screening Request in History, you can double-click the View link to see that request in CoreLogic again.
If you have already accessed CoreLogic, you will not be required to enter your logon credentials again.
Click Finished.
Run Resident Screening for Selected Entry