This task is used to add, maintain and/or delete Invoice Account Types. Invoice Account Types allow you to standardize what gets entered for Bill Line Items depending on the type of bill being entered for commonly paid invoices (i.e. - phone, oil, gas, etc.).
Vendor Detail AP Vendors
Maintain Invoice Account Types
Click the Add link.
Enter a Description for the Invoice Account Type (I.e. - cleaning, electricity, phone, trash removal, etc.).
Set the Sort Order for Invoice Account Type.
This field can be left blank.
This sets the order in which your Invoice Account Types will appear in drop down lists in tasks on the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab when adding or maintaining Vendor Account Holders.
Active - select to make the Invoice Account Type active.
The following parameters define how Usage Type Line Items behave and what fields require entry in the Receive Utility Bills task on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab.
Start Date - user will be required to enter a Start Date when creating a Usage Line Item for a Utility Bill.
Units - user will be required to enter the number of units purchase when creating a Usage Line Item for a Utility Bill.
Unit Price - user will be required to enter the price per unit when creating a Usage Line Item for a Utility Bill.
When both Units and Unity Price fields are required, the extend cost for the Usage Line Item on the Utility Bill will be calculated automatically.
Base Charge - allows the user to enter an amount in addition to the extended cost to be invoiced with the Usage Line Item on the Utility Bill.
Click Finished to add the Invoice Account Type.
Make changes to one or more of the existing Invoice Account Types.
Click Finished to save your changes.
Highlight the Invoice Account Type you want to delete and click the Delete link.
If an Invoice Account Type is currently being used by a Vendor Account Holder on the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab, you will not be able to delete it. You can deselect the Active check box to keep it from being used further on any Vendor Account Holders.
Click Finished to save your changes.