Use this task to add, maintain or delete goods and services provided by the selected Vendor Location to the specified communities. For each Vendor Location you select the Goods and Services that the Vendor Location Provides and then select the communities that they are provided to.
The list of Goods & Services are maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables – Business Goods and Services.
Once you have selected goods & services for a Vendor Location and assigned those goods & services to one or more communities, you will see that information displayed on the related Community Detail > Vendors tab, which is the best place for someone managing a community to go to see who to call when the community needs a certain service performed.
Vendor has already been added to Property Manager.
Vendor Detail Vendor Locations
Maintain Goods & Services
Select the good or service that the Vendor Location Provides
Those goods and services all ready setup for the Vendor Location will have a check mark in the Provides column.
As you select new goods and services and set who they are provided to, those goods and services will move to the top of the list.
Then select the communities that the good or service is provided to.
You can deselect the communities that the good or service is provided to if the selected Vendor Location should not be used anymore.
For each selected community, you can specify whether this Vendor Location should be their first, second or third choice when contacting the Vendor Location to provide the service.
A quick way to set communities for the good or service to be provided to when other goods & services have already been defined for this Vendor Location is to:
Select the new good or service, then
From the drop down list at the bottom of the Goods & Services list, select a good or service to copy from, and then
Click the Copy >> button.
The newly selected good or service will now have the same communities selected for it with the preferences set.
As soon as you have defined all the goods and services provided by the selected Vendor Location, click Finished.