The export for Bostonpost Financials is a direct link (XML Interface) when loading GL Entries from Property Manager to Bostonpost Financials. When a GL Entry is processed to the general ledger, it is loaded directly into Bostonpost Financials. Property Manager also supports an interface to Bostonpost Financials for loading Vendor AP Invoices, Tenant AP Invoices, as well as loading AR Invoices for a maintenance company (i.e. - IOI Company) to Bostonpost Financials.
Click Here for Bostonpost Financials Product Details.
Field 1 |
trtype |
If GL Entry Amount is a positive number, then Debit. If GL Entry Amount is a negative number, then Credit. |
Field 2 |
amount |
GL Entry Amount (always positive) (Accounting Detail > General Ledger) |
Field 3 |
glaccountno |
GL Account Number (GL Account Setup) as appended to below |
Field 4 |
memo |
Concatenation of GL Batch ID (GLBid-####) and GL Batch Description (i.e. - Billing, Payment,Chargeback,Adjustment,etc.) Example: GLBid=1082 Billing=277 The GL Batch ID number will be listed first in the Memo/Description field so that you can search for GL Entries in BP Financials by the GL Batch ID assigned to them in Property Manager. |
Field 5 |
locationid |
Company Code |
Field 6 |
departmentid |
Class Code from Community Detail > Program Info tab or the Class Code from Community Detail > Facilities |
System Administration
Accounting Setup Tab
Export Information Setup
Bostonpost Financials
Select Bostonpost Financials as the GL Export Type
Description - Enter a description of the community export entity. This defaults to the Community Name.
Sort Order - If you wish to sort these Export definitions in an order other than by community name, enter the sort order here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Company Code - This field represents the community's Entity/Location ID that is setup in Bostonpost Financials.
Company Code can be set to "use class", which will cause the Company Code column in the export file to populate with the class code defined in Step 7 below.
Branch/Div/Class Code - If your Account Numbers are made up of more than one segment and that segment is the same for all GL Accounts for a given community, then instead of creating different GL Accounts for all communities you can create one standard chart of accounts and have this segment appended to the GL Account on export to the general ledger.
See #s 27 & 30 below on how to append this code as a prefix or suffix to the main GL Account number.
You have the option of specifying which accounts in GL Account Setup will have this code appended to the Account Number. In other words, you can have some accounts append this code and others that do not. See System Administration > Accounting Setup > GL Account Setup.
Building Class Code Default - enter the default class codes to use for your buildings. GL Accounts will have this appended to them on export to the general ledger when a building class code hasn't been setup for a building
Class Codes can be defined individually at Community Detail > Facilities using the Add Building and Modify Building tasks.
Pick Class Code From drop down list - select for the Class Code to come from either the “Branch/Div/Class Code” field on the System Administration > Accounting Setup - Export Information Setup tab (Use Class Code), from the Class Code field on the Community Detail > Program Info tab (Funding Program Group), or from the Class Code field on the Community Detail > Facilities tab (Building Class Code). The Class Code can only be defined to come from one of these locations and not more than one.
Fund - n/a for BP Financials
Chart of Accounts - Select the GL Chart to be used for this community
Authorize Prior Period - n/a for BP Financials
Enable Cash Basis - when selected, Cash Basis GL Entries will be created in addition to Accrual Basis GL Entries.
Property Manager will post accrual entries to the accrual journals in Bostonpost Financials and the cash basis entries to the cash basis journals in Bostonpost Financials for General Ledger Export, AP Invoicing and AR Invoicing.
AR Suffix Customer, AR Account Root - When the AR Suffix Customer is selected, enter the GL Account Root Number to be used when AR Invoices are created for this community under Maintenance Company Detail > Create AR Invoice. This AR Account Root will be combined with Building Class Code to create the GL Account on export of AR Invoices
Use Extended Description - When selected for a Maintenance Company’s Export Information Setup, the skill, employee, hours, rate and total will be added to the description for a line item on an AR Invoice.
Summary Posting Indicator - Select if you want your GL Entries to default to summarized by account number when they are processed to your general ledger.
This is only the default, this indicator can be changed when processing individual GL Entries (Accounting Detail > General Ledger).
Nightly Auto Post - when selected, all pending GL Entries will be processed over to the general ledger as part of the nightly process.
To have Accounts Payable Invoices exported each night, contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
Auto-Post Prior Periods - If the parameter is selected, all GL Batches with the exception of GL Batches dated in the future will be processed over to your general ledger . If not selected, only current period GL Batches will be exported. Leaving behind any GL Batches that have an effective date in the prior month.
This parameter is only available if the Nightly Auto Post parameter above is selected.
Enable Tenant Payable Interface - selected each to have the refund credit tasks for Utility Reimbursements, MO Accounting, Sec Dep Interest and/or HH Accounting will create accounts payable invoices directly to your accounts payable system.
This allows you to enable this feature for Utility Reimbursements refunds (Accounting Detail > Disbursement tab - Refund Utility Reimbursements); Moveout Accounting refunds (Household Detail > Accounting > Deposits tab - Household Moveout Accounting Activity or Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Manage Vacancies tab - Post Moveout Activity); Security Deposit Interest refunds or for refunds of other credits from the Household Detail > Accounting > Receivables tab (Refund Selected Receivable). By selecting one or more of these parameters you can enable the tenant payable interface for one or more of these activities, and leave it disabled for the others.
AR Account Root - if you export AR Invoices for your maintenance (IOI) companies from the Maintenance Company Detail > AR Invoice Detail tab, this is the GL Account number of the Accounts Receivable account in the Maintenance Company's accounting application.
Centralized Cash Account - If you use a centralized cash account for all communities, entry in these two fields are required:
Centralized Cash GL Account Root - enter the root of the cash account in your general ledger (main segment).
Centralized Cash GL Account - enter the full account number for the cash account in your general ledger (all segments, including the Segment/Department/Branch ID that is appended to the account number).
The purpose behind the centralized cash account in Property Manager is to facilitate the accounting when payment batches are recorded for more than one community at a time. For example, a payment batch is recorded for 10 communities. With a centralized cash account, there will be only one debit to cash, instead of 10 debits. Having one debit instead of ten, will make reconciling your bank account easier with each debit to cash representing a whole deposit.
Fiscal Year End (Month) - Select the month that this community's fiscal year end ends on. Property Manager supports having different fiscal year ends for your communities.
Fiscal Date Year End - Select this if you have defined a fiscal year end month.
Cutoff Day - the day of the month to cutoff the reporting month. For example, if the cutoff day is set to the 25th, GL Entries created on 10/26/08 will have a GL Report Date of 11/01/08.
As soon as the Event is created, the Event and its GL Entries will have a GL Report Date based on the Cutoff Day entered here.
If the Cutoff Day is changed while GL Entries are still pending, then the GL Report Date for those GL Entries will be updated based on the new Cutoff Day. With the above example, the Cutoff Day is changed to the 27th, the Pending GL Entry will now have a GL Report Date of 10/26/08.
Once a GL Entry is processed to your accounting application, the GL Report Date is set and changing the Cutoff Day in Property Manager will not change the GL Report Date of Processed GL Entries.
When processing GL Entries from Accounting Detail > General Ledger using the Process Selected Batches task, the user will have the option to change the GL Report Date and override the Cutoff Day set here (i.e. - the ability to process GL Entries into a prior period instead of into the Report Month specified by this Cutoff Day.
Export URL - n/a for BP Financials
External Database Name - enter the database name for the BP Financials Application
Export User Name & Export Password - this is required for communication to occur from Property Manager to Bostonpost Financials.
Entries in these fields will be done by Bostonpost. If they get accidentally overwritten, you will need to contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 to correct.
Unit number suffix - Select to append the unit number to end of the account number when processing GL Entries to your general ledger.
This entry is overridden by setup for specific GL Account numbers in GL Account Setup. Instead of selecting this option for the entire community, under GL Account Setup, you only select it for specific GL Accounts.
Export Class Code to Department - when selected the Branch/Div/Class Code is will be used for a Department Number for both GL Entries and for AP Invoices exported to BP Financials.
When the Export Entity is a Maintenance Company, this parameter will Export AR Invoices to a Department.
When this is selected, but the Branch/Division Class Code field is blank/null, the Department Number column in the export will not be populated (i.e. - a Null Department Number is exported).
Branch/Segment Prefix Code - if checked, the Branch/Div/Class Code is put at the front of the Root Account Number (main segment) when processing entries to your general ledger.
I.e. - becomes the first segment of the account number.
If there are no entries in the Branch/Division Class Code field above, then the Funding Group Class Code or Building Group Class Code will be appended.
Prefix Delimiter - enter the delimiter (i.e. a dash "-") to be used between the Class Code and the GL Account Number.
Prefix Constant - Use this field instead of the Branch/Div/Class Code field when the Branch/Div/Class Code needs to be used as the Suffix to the GL Account Number or as a department. Include the delimiter in this field.
Branch/Segment Suffix Code - if checked, the Branch/Div/Class Code is put at the end of the Root Account Number when processing entries to your general ledger
I.e. - becomes the second (or last) segment of the account number.
If there are no entries in the Branch/Division Class Code field above, then the Funding Group Class Code or Building Group Class Code will be appended.
Suffix Delimiter - enter the delimiter (i.e. a dash "-") to be used between the GL Account Number and the Class Code.
Suffix Constant - Use this field instead of the Branch/Div/Class Code field when the Branch/Div/Class Code needs to be used as the Prefix to the GL Account Number or as a department. Include the delimiter in this field.
Journal Code Override - Entry in this field will override the Journal Code entered at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables – Business Constants or Payment Batch Types. This allows you to define a different Journal Code for community’s Export Information Setup.
Prefixes - Work Order & Inspection - Enter a custom Work Order and/or Inspection Prefix for the selected community, management company or maintenance company. Entries here override the entries on the System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables – Business Constants for prefix to be used when Work Orders are created at Work Detail > New Work Order and Inspections are created at Maintenance Detail > General Information with the Create New Inspection task.
Update Timestamp & Update User - the date and time the export info for the highlighted Export Entity's Export Details was updated plus the user's name who made the changes.
Be sure to click Save once you are finished making changes to the highlighted Export Entity's Export Details.