This task is used to add a building to the selected community.
To add a building, follow these steps:
1. Go to Community Detail > Facilities Tab.
Go to Building Detail > Facilities Tab.
2. Go to Tasks > Add Building.
3. In the Building Detail area, complete the following fields:
▪ Building Description—Enter a description of the building.
▪ Structure Type—Select the structure type from the following:
▪ Single Family Detached
▪ Semi-Detached
▪ Rowhouse/Townhouse
▪ Low-Rise
▪ High-Rise with Elevator
▪ Manufactured Home
▪ Walkup/Multifamily Apt (Shared Entrance)
▪ <None>
▪ Building Number—Enter the building number. This number is added to the beginning of apartment numbers.
▪ Year Built—Enter the year the building was built.
▪ Sort Order—Enter or select the placement of the building among other buildings at the community.
▪ Placed In Service—Enter the date on which the building was made available.
▪ Number of Floors—Enter the numbers of floors in the building.
▪ Is Annex—Specify whether the building is an annex.
▪ Class Code—Enter the class code. This is used as the department number for GL entries, or it is added to a GL account number, depending on the settings in System Administration > Accounting Setup > Export Information Setup.
▪ Demolition Disposition Date—Enter the date on which demolition or disposition began.
▪ Modernization Start Date—Enter the date on which the building renovations began.
▪ Modernization End Date—Enter the date on which the building renovations concluded.
4. In the Building Address area, enter the street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the building.
5. In the Directions (within community) area, enter the directions to the building.
6. Click Finished.
After you have added and maintained unit features, they can added to units at the community.