You can use this task to add new employees in Property Manager so he/she will have his/her own user name and password to access Property Manager with the appropriate security settings.
New employees added to your database will inherit default settings at File Menu > User Options. For example, the default window will be set to Dashboard to showcase that functionality to new users.
System Administration
Add New Employee
You will be prompted to search first, to avoid duplicate entries. Enter the name of the employee you wish to add.
Click Search.
If the person already exists in the system select the match in the list and click OK.
If the person you need to add is not listed in the results, click New.
Enter the all the information you have for this employee.
Allow Training DB Access - select to give the employee access to your training database.
First Name and Last Name will default to what you entered on the Search step.
E-Mail Address
S.S. Nbr - enter only numbers, dashes are prefilled for you.
Address, City, State, Zip
Phone Number(s)
Phone Types are added and maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Phone Type.
To add additional phone numbers, just hit the [Tab] key through the end of the Phone Number row you are on and another row will be added.
Set one Phone Number as the Primary.
Office Information
Office - select from the list of available Management Companies. Management Companies are added/maintained at System Administration > Management Offices.
Department - select from the list of available Departments. Departments are added/maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Departments.
User Name - this field will populate after the employee has been added and given system access in the next step of the task.
Office Phone Extension -
the phone extension number entered here will display on the
Employee Tracking tab
when the Track Employee flag has been enabled.
Date of Hire
Supervisor - select an existing employee as this new employee's supervisor. If there is no supervisor, leave this field blank.
Employee Flags: This section is used to indicate if the employee should be available in the drop-down list of Rental Agents or Site Maintenance at the community level. It also determines if he/she should be shown in the track employee view.
with the Track Employee flag
selected will be included on the Employee
Tracking tab .
Employees with the Site Maintenance Contact flag selected will be available on the Community > General tab to be selected as a community's Maintenance Contact.
Employees with the Maintenance Crew flag selected will also need to complete:
Rate - the employee's default hourly rate to be used on a Work Order or Inspection.
Time Expensed To - Select a
Maintenance Company to have that employee's time included on a Work Order or Inspection expensed to that Maintenance Company (In-House Vendor setup at Vendor Detail > Vendor Locations) and billed to the applicable community from Maintenance Company Detail.
Community to have that employee's time included on a Work Order or Inspection reportable (Reports) for the community the work was done for.
Employees with the Rental Agent flag selected will be available on the Community > General tab to be selected as a community's rental agent.
Employees with the Asset Manager flag selected will be available on the Community > General tab to be selected as a community's Asset Manager.
Notes - enter any notes about the employee as necessary.
Click Next.
Check the Allow System Access box. This will assign the user's user name and set the default password. The employee will have the opportunity to change the password when logging into the system. User passwords expire based on the number of days defined at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants.
When adding a new user to one database that already exists in another database, you will receive the following error message: “This user name is already being used. The person you are adding may already have access to another Bostonpost Property Manager customer database. If you believe you are adding the same person to have access to this database, please contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance. Otherwise, choose a new user name.”
Click Next.
Select the communities, management companies, and/or maintenance companies to which this employee should have access.
Click Next.
Assign the appropriate roles to the employee. Select as many roles as the person needs to accomplish the tasks they perform.
Select an existing employee from the drop down list, to assign the same roles/access to the new employee. You can add or remove these roles as necessary.
Roles are added/maintained on the System Administration > Define Access tab.
You can also assign Access Roles to an employee on the System Administration > Define Roles tab.
Click Finished.
Password Expiration Date