Each Charge Type has a series of GL Accounts assigned to them to be used by various processes in Property Manager.  The types of GL Accounts to be assigned vary by the Internal Balance Types described below.

For each charge type, there will be an indicator on whether or not it will be rounded to whole dollars when there is a proration calculation on move-out.  Charge Types for rent and subsidy have their rounding method based on setup for the Community/Funding Program.

For each charge type, there will be an indicator on whether or not it will be used by the Tenant Charge Back Process.  An example of a charge type would be Damages.  There are also indicators as to whether or not a charge type is used for amenities or vouchers.

For each charge type, there will be an indicator to "Display Move-In".   These charge types will be included in a list of available charge types for creating Recurring Charges when in the Create Move-In/Transfer Certification task on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Manage Vacancies tab and Household Detail > General tab; the Create Certification task on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Annual Recertification tab; and the Lease Renewal and Lease Change tasks on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Leases tab.  With this parameter selected, you can add/change/remove this charge type as a Recurring Charge/Scheduled Item in any of these "create certification" tasks.

For each charge type that has the "Display Move-In" indicator may also have the Separate Charge Group information.  This is for DHCR Rent Regulation funding programs only (not available until Version 8.1).  When the Display on Move-in/Renewal parameter above is selected, either None, A/C Electric, Non A/C Electric, Ancillary or Other will be displayed.  Any scheduled items created as a Recurring Charge will be put into 1 of these 4 buckets for DHCR Reporting Purposes.

For each charge type that has the Amenity indicator, they are available for use in Amenity Groups (Accounting Detail > Account Maintenance - when an Amenity Group is selected).  Charge Types available for Amenities include: Rent, Rent Concessions, Miscellaneous Charge Types, Late Charges, Credit - Refunded Deposits, Unapplied Payments, Lost Rent, Vacancy, Prepaid Tenant Charges, Security Deposits and Unapplied Deposits.

Each charge type is built off of an Internal Balance Type.  The Internal Balance Type governs where the charge type is used, what it's normal balance is, and what type of GL Accounts are to be assigned to it.

There are several Internal Balance Types that are specialized charge types used for specific processes in Property Manager.  See the Insert Charge Type task for other Internal Balance Types that are available when adding your own charge types to Property Manager.