Each Charge Type has a series of GL Accounts assigned to them to be used by various processes in Property Manager. The types of GL Accounts to be assigned vary by the Internal Balance Types described below.
Receivable, Liability or Other Bill Account - Depending on the Charge type you need to assign a Receivable, Liability or Other Bill GL Account for the charge type. This is the account that is debited when receivables are charged to a tenant or agency or credited when a liability/payable is created. The "Other Bill Account" is used by Vacancy and Lost Rent charge types to offset the charge to Gross Potential.
Cash Account - Cash account debited when cash is received against an open item from the charge type or the account credited when a payment is reversed.
The Cash Account assigned to charge types can be overridden for specific Payment Batch Types for specific communities at System Administration > Accounting Setup - Payment Batch Types.
In conjunction with other settings (See FAQ - Inter-Entity GL Entries for Subsidy Payment Batches) when the Cash Account for a subsidy charge type is set to a Due To/From GL Account Type, the GL Entry for the community will be to debit a "Due From Management Co" GL Account and to credit the Receivable GL Account. A second GL Entry will be created for the Management Company that will debit the Cash GL Account and credit a "Due To Community" GL Account.
Income/Expense Account - The Income (or expense) account that charges are offset against for all open items created with each of the charge types.
Writeoff/Forfeit Account - GL Account debited when tenant open items are written off to bad debt and the GL Account credited when a security deposit is forfeited to the community.
Refund Account - GL Account credited when a credit is refunded, either to the tenant or to an agency.
Overage Account - This GL Account Assignment is only used with the Rent Charge Type. This is the income account credited when Overage is billed to the Tenant. The default is to record overage income to Subsidy Income. When the overage open item is recorded on the subsidy side, "Overage Expense" is defaulted to debit the subsidy income, making the recording of overage receivable from the tenant and payable to the agency a wash through the same income account.
Excess Rent Account - This column is only used with the Rent, Subsidy, 236 Overage Retained & 236 Excess Rent charge types when Excess Income comes from the tenant and/or subsidy, and is due to HUD or retained by the community.
Cash Due To/From Account - This account assignment is used if a credit for a household is in one community and the charge being applied against is in a different community (i.e. - tenant has transferred between communities). This Due To/From Account allows the GL Entries to balance by community. The assignment defaults to your cash account with the logic being is that you are/will be transferring cash from one community to the other. There is a Business Constants flag where Due To/From Processing can be turned off. When turned off, the user will be prevented from applying a credit in one community to a charge in another community. Even if the flag is off, you still need to have a GL Account in this column.
For each charge type, there will be an indicator on whether or not it will be rounded to whole dollars when there is a proration calculation on move-out. Charge Types for rent and subsidy have their rounding method based on setup for the Community/Funding Program.
For each charge type, there will be an indicator on whether or not it will be used by the Tenant Charge Back Process. An example of a charge type would be Damages. There are also indicators as to whether or not a charge type is used for amenities or vouchers.
For each charge type, there will be an indicator to "Display Move-In". These charge types will be included in a list of available charge types for creating Recurring Charges when in the Create Move-In/Transfer Certification task on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Manage Vacancies tab and Household Detail > General tab; the Create Certification task on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Annual Recertification tab; and the Lease Renewal and Lease Change tasks on the Occupancy & Compliance Detail > Leases tab. With this parameter selected, you can add/change/remove this charge type as a Recurring Charge/Scheduled Item in any of these "create certification" tasks.
For each charge type that has the "Display Move-In" indicator may also have the Separate Charge Group information. This is for DHCR Rent Regulation funding programs only (not available until Version 8.1). When the Display on Move-in/Renewal parameter above is selected, either None, A/C Electric, Non A/C Electric, Ancillary or Other will be displayed. Any scheduled items created as a Recurring Charge will be put into 1 of these 4 buckets for DHCR Reporting Purposes.
For each charge type that has the Amenity indicator, they are available for use in Amenity Groups (Accounting Detail > Account Maintenance - when an Amenity Group is selected). Charge Types available for Amenities include: Rent, Rent Concessions, Miscellaneous Charge Types, Late Charges, Credit - Refunded Deposits, Unapplied Payments, Lost Rent, Vacancy, Prepaid Tenant Charges, Security Deposits and Unapplied Deposits.
Each charge type is built off of an Internal Balance Type. The Internal Balance Type governs where the charge type is used, what it's normal balance is, and what type of GL Accounts are to be assigned to it.
There are several Internal Balance Types that are specialized charge types used for specific processes in Property Manager. See the Insert Charge Type task for other Internal Balance Types that are available when adding your own charge types to Property Manager.
Application Fee - An application fee can be charged to a household and have a payment received against for a pending household who has only had an application sent to them.
Broken Lease Receivable - used by a community/funding program group that has set the Broken Lease Method parameter on the Community Detail > Rent tab to "Charge Balance at MO, Rebate if Rented". This charge type is used to record the receivable for what's owed by a tenant on a broken lease.
Credit Refunded Deposit - This charge type is used when a security or other tenant deposit is transferred to receivables as part of the move out process (or for any other reason), and the resulting credit from this refunded deposit is applied against outstanding charges and/or refunded to the tenant.
Damages - tenant charges relating to damages.
Eviction Charge - charge assessed against a tenant relating to their eviction.
Late Charge - The charge type used to assess late fees against tenants based on a Community/Funding Program Group's Late Charge Method.
NSF Charge - The charge type used to assess NSF (bounced check) fees against a tenant based on a Community/Funding Program Group's NSF Method.
Receivable Due to NSF - The charge type used when you need to record an NSF and the payment being reversed has subsequent activity. Record NSF for Selected Payment task will create a new receivable with this charge type.
Rent - This charge type is used by the current certified transaction on each household's Transaction Tab to bill rent to the tenant. In addition to assigning the income account to charge Tenant Rent Gross Potential, you need to assign income accounts for when Overage or Excess Rent is charged to the tenant.
Rent Concession - This charge type is used to offset rent or other tenant charges with credit. Charge types created with this internal balance type, will automatically be applied to rent each month when they are set up as a scheduled receivable for the household. You can setup as many different Rent Concession charge types as is necessary for your business (i.e. - "Free First Month's Rent", Employee Unit, Referral Concession, etc.)
Unapplied Payment - Charge type used when a payment is received for a tenant and the user does not know what to assign the payment against. Unapplied Payments can later be applied against a charge, or if left open will apply against the next month's rent when it is billed.
Lost Rent (or Shortage) - Charge type used when what is charged to a tenant for rent and/or subsidy is less than the gross potential for the unit. With this charge type, Lost Rent (Other Bill Account) will be debited and Rent Income (Income/Expense Account) will be credited for the difference between what is billed for rent and/or subsidy and gross potential.
Utility Reimbursement - This charge type is used instead of Rent when you have a Negative Renter or a household that is due a Utility Reimbursement instead of owing rent. Accounts can be the same as those assigned to the Rent charge type or different if you track Negative Renters separately in your general ledger.
Vacancy - Charge type used to charge vacancy for a unit when it is vacant.
Prepaid Tenant Charges (Prepaid Rent) - Charge type used when a payment is received for a tenant that is for a charge in the future (i.e. - next month's rent, next month's Air Conditioner Charge, etc.). A payment received in this manner will show up as a "Prepaid" open item, which will automatically be applied against future rent bill or other scheduled receivable for a household, when that day comes.
Subsidy - This charge type is used by the certified transaction on each household to bill subsidy for the tenant. In addition to assigning the income account to charge Subsidy Rent Gross Potential, you need to assign income accounts when Excess Rent is charged to the tenant in regards to what is billed for subsidy.
Subsidy Shortfall
For HUD, this charge type is used when a HAP Payment is less than for the full amount and is not withholding payment on a specific household. The subsidy receivables on the households are cleared and this shortfall is tracked at the community level and available to receive against when the payment is eventually made.
For Subsidy – Non-HAP payments, this charge type is used in conjunction with the “Applied to Mortgage/Debt” field in the Start New Payment Batch task and allows you to adjust the amount of the payment batch for any charges that the agency may take back, but tenant balances should be reduced in full.
DRUG-Drug Related Expense, FORQ-Field Office Accounting, OARQ-Owner/Agent Adjustment & SERV-Service Coordinators - These charge types are used only when creating miscellaneous adjustments for HAP Processing.
Unpaid Damages Subsidy, Unpaid Rent Subsidy & Vacancy Subsidy - These charge types are used only when creating special claims for HAP Processing.
Overage Payable - This Subsidy Overage charge type is used when the Funding Program (i.e. - USDA) does not provide assistance to the community. In this case, an Event/GL Entry will be created on the subsidy side that credits an Overage Payable liability and debits an Income GL Account. No open item is created on the household since a physical check to the Agency is cut from your accounting application.
Overage - This Subsidy Overage charge type is used when the Funding Program (i.e. - USDA) does not provide assistance to the community. In this case, an Event/GL Entry will be created on the subsidy side that credits Subsidy A/R with a credit balance and debits an Income GL Account. An open item is created on the household since Overage due back from the Agency is netted against the Subsidy payment received from the Agency.
Owner Overage - Owner Overage is an expense account where the owner has to pay USDA because the tenant rent will be restricted by some other program, yet the full overage amount should still be paid. For example, assume Basic rent $400, tenant rent $450, that is, overage = $50, if the maximum tax credit rent that can be charged is $430, the overage will still be $50, but the tenant will only contribute $30 of that, so the owner must kick in $20 from some expense account.
236 Overage - This charge type is specific to HUD Section 236 Excess Income. It acts like the Overage charge type above except that the Overage Open Item on the subsidy side is not created until the Tenant makes payment (For Overage, the Overage open item is created when the tenant is billed).
236 Overage Retained - This charge type is specific to HUD Section 236 Excess Income and is used during the "Process 236 Overage" task when some or all of the 236 Excess Income is retained by the community instead of remitted.
Mortgage/Loan Payment - For Agencies that net your mortgage payment against their subsidy payment, this charge type and the Mortgage Interest charge type above are used to record a journal entry for your Mortgage payment as you record the subsidy payment. Please note that you are not required to break your mortgage payment between principal and interest, the entire amount can be recorded against principal and adjusted later in your General Ledger.
A Refund Account assignment is needed for when the subsidy payment nets to a negative number.
Mortgage Interest - For Agencies that net your mortgage payment against their subsidy payment, this charge type and the Mortgage/Loan Payment charge type below are used to record a journal entry for your Mortgage payment as you record the subsidy payment. Please note that you are not required to break your mortgage payment between principal and interest, the entire amount can be recorded against principal and adjusted later in your General Ledger.
A Refund Account assignment is needed for when the subsidy payment nets to a negative number.
Utility Allowance - Used to reclass the utility allowance portion of subsidy to its own GL Account. When this Charge Type is active, the Other Bill Account Assignment should be the subsidy income account (debited at billing time) and the Income Account Assignment should be the income account for the Utility Allowance (credited at billing time).
Security Deposit - This charge type is used by the certified transaction on each household to bill the security deposit for the tenant based on the Community/Funding Program Group's Security Deposit Method.
Pet Deposit - This charge type is used to setup a Pet Deposit for a household, if required.
Interest on Deposit - This charge type is used when recording interest on a household's security or other deposit.
Unapplied Deposit - Charge type used when a payment is received for a tenant and the user knows it's for a deposit, but does not know which deposit to assign the payment against or the deposit just hasn't been setup on the household yet. Unapplied Deposits can later be applied against a security deposit due charge.
Deposit Interest Retained - Not yet implemented
Promissory Note
Note Payable - Include on HAP - used to record Promissory Notes Payable where payments are netted with subsidy payments received from an agency created with the Convert Subsidy Due to Promissory Note task on the Household Detail > Accounting > Subsidy tab.
Note Payable - Cut Check - used to record Promissory Notes Payable where payments are made to an agency created with the Convert Subsidy Due to Promissory Note task on the Household Detail > Accounting > Subsidy tab.
Note Receivable - used to record Payment Agreements with households created with the Transfer Receivables to Promissory Note task on the Household Detail > Accounting > Receivables tab.
Community Cash Receipts - used to record payments that relate to a community (i.e. - laundry and vending income) instead of a household at the Accounting Detail > Community Cash Receipts tab.
Account Payable
Accounts Payable - This charge type is used by the Maintenance portion of Property Manager when receiving vendor invoices. You assign the accounts payable liability account here to be used when creating AP Vendor Invoices.
Gross Potential
236 Excess Rent - This charge type is specific to HUD Section 236 Excess Income. When rent is billed to the tenant, the portion of that billing that is 236 Excess Income is reclassed from Tenant Rent Income to the Income GL Account specified for the Excess Rent Account.
Broken Lease Unearned Income - used by a community/funding program group that has set the Broken Lease Method parameter on the Community Detail > Rent tab to "Charge Balance at MO, Rebate if Rented". This charge type is used to record the Unearned Income Liability for the tenant receivable for the broken lease. It is also used to record the amortization of this Unearned Income each month on the Unit Detail > Gross Potential Activity tab as it is earned.
Repayment Cost Retained - used when a Promissory Note Payable is created at the Household Detail > Accounting > Subsidy tab with the Convert Subsidy to Promissory Note task for the promissory note type of “Note Payable - Include on HAP” (Note Payable - Net Subsidy). When a tenant makes each payment, amounts to be retained will reduce the amount that is included on the next HAP going back to HUD. This charge type defines the Income GL Account to be credited when that occurs.