Create Move-In/Transfer Certification

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This task will certify your Move-In or Transfer. In this task you will add the income, expense, and asset information that was verified by third parties. This information will be used to create the Move-In or Transfer certification form and determine the subsidy amount for subsidized programs. You will generate your Move-In or Transfer packet at the end of this wizard with all of the information you need the tenant to have at a lease signing appointment.


How do you get there?

Occupancy and Compliance Detail Manage Vacancies Tab Tasks Create Move-In/Transfer Certification


Household Detail General Tab Tasks  Create Move-In/Transfer Certification

To Certify the Move-In:

  1. The first tab in the wizard is the member tab. Here you will add all of the required information for each household member. The fields that are required will be marked with a small red asterisk and they are based on the funding program. Start by entering all of the information you wish to record for the first member in the list. Save your changes and then select the next member in the list. As you update each member the small circle before each name will turn green showing they have been confirmed.

  2. When you have updated all members click Next.

  3. The second tab in the wizard is the income and expense tab.  Here you will add each of the verified income, asset, and expense entries. For detailed information regarding income and expenses click here: Income and Expense.  

  4. After you have added all income, asset, and expense information that was verified click Next.

  5. Click the Add link to add the necessary Recurring Charges for this household.  Select the type for the recurring charge and the Payment Amount.  Click Add again to add more recurring charges.  For existing recurring charges, you can select the Remove checkbox to remove them.

  6. Click Next

  7. Create the certification form. For detailed information regarding creating a certification click here:  Create Certification.

  8. Click Next.

  9. You will get a status box letting you know if this action has passed or failed. If it has passed, close the box. If it has failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.

  10. The last tab in the wizard is to print the move in paperwork. You can select which documents you would like by placing a check in the box and specify the number of copies. You can preview or edit the documents in Microsoft Word by clicking the preview icon next to the document.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why am I not seeing an allowance for the elderly family deduction?

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