Event History is a listing of billing, billing corrections, payments, and adjustments events. The default view is Summary grouped by Event Date in descending order and showing reversals, but the following options are available here:
Monthly Summary - groups events by month. Displays activity by month broken down by Certified Billings, Other Billings, Adj/Writeoffs/Forfeit, Receipts, and Refunds/Transfers.
Grouped By:
Event Date - shows a Cumulative Balance for amounts due and the Remaining Balance for amounts still due on the note
Due Date - the view shows the Outstanding Balance and the Remaining Balance for each month.
The Monthly Summary view is not available when the Group By is set to Time Stamp.
From Monthly Summary users can highlight a row change the view to the other levels of detail: Summary, Detail and Full Detail, and it will be scroll to detail history for that month.
The only Event History tasks available from the Monthly Summary view are the Print and Export Event History tasks. All the other Event History tasks are available from the other views.
Summary - displays the event type, payment info, amount for each event.
Grouped By:
Event Date - shows a Cumulative Balance for amounts due and the Remaining Balance for amounts still due on the note
Due Date - the view sorts events by their due date and balance information is not available.
Time Stamp - the view sorts events by their time stamp (date entered into the system) and balance information is not available.
All Event History Tasks are available from this view.
Detail - displays everything in the Summary view plus due date, charge type billed or paid, unit number, and notes.
Grouped By - same behavior as in Summary View
All Event History Tasks are available from this view.
Full Detail - displays everything in the Detail view plus GL Batch ID, Event ID, GL Accounts being debited and credited, update time stamp, and update User ID.
Grouped By - same behavior as in Summary and Detail Views
All Event History Tasks are available from this view.
Event Types:
Actual Move in
The billing of rent, subsidy and the security deposit on the creation of the Move In Certification for a household.
Actual Transfer
The billing of rent, subsidy and the security deposit.
Any necessary adjustments will be also recorded for rent and/or subsidy that was billed under the old unit.
Add Deposit Interest
When deposit interest is calculated/recorded for an existing deposit balance on hand amount.
Apply Credits
When credit balance open items are applied against debit balance open items.
When nightly process is active to convert Rent credit open items to Unapplied Payments.
Assess Charge
Late Charge
Assessed either manually from the household (Assess Late Charge task), manually using the Assess Late Charge task from the General Information Tab under Accounting Detail, or automatically from the nightly cycle when the Late Charge Method applies.
NSF Charge
When an NSF Charge is assessed against a household using the Record NSF for Selected Payment task.
When Certified and Non-Certified Scheduled Billings occur each month.
Certified Scheduled Items (rent, utility reimbursement, subsidy, overage) are governed by the underlying certification on the Transactions tab of the Household.
Non-Certified Scheduled Items are added from the Receivables tab for the monthly billings of various charges such as Air Conditioning, Cable, Parking, etc.
When a Billing event is reversed, the Rebill Household task will re-bill any necessary charges as dictated by their respective schedules and/or certification
Billing Correction
When changes to Certified and Non-Certified Schedules are made that require changes to what has or should have billed in the past.
When a Billing Correction event is reversed, the Rebill Household task will re-bill any necessary charges as dictated by their respective schedules and/or certification
Fabricated Billings and Fabricated Payments
When a certification is created or corrected before the billing start date of a community, Property Manager will fabricate any missing billing/payment history from the effective date of the new certification up to the start of billing for the community. This sets the stage for the ability to create the adjustments to reflect the difference between the old and new amounts when the certification is signed.
Fabricated Billings and Fabricated Payments do not create GL Entries.
Fabricated billing and payment events cannot be reversed.
Insufficient Funds
When a payment is marked as an NSF. This event reverses a payment effective the date the check is returned from the bank as NSF. The original payment event will be marked with a **, indicating that there is an Insufficient Funds event above it.
Manual Billing
Deposit Due charges billed using the Manually Bill Selected Deposit task.
Promissory Note Due charges billed using the Manually Bill Selected Promissory Note task.
Move Out
The reversing of a prorated portion of rent and/or subsidy for the move out of a household based on the Move Out Certification on the Transactions tab of the Household.
Opening Balance
When open items are added to a household when a community comes onto Property Manager. The represent the beginning accounts receivable and/or deposit balances as of the day before a communities billing start date.
When payments are received against a household's open items from the Payments tab under Accounting Detail.
Receivable Adjustment
Receivables added manually through Add New Receivable task at the household level or manually using the Add New Receivables task from the General Information Tab under Accounting Detail
If you add a receivable of the same type as a Scheduled Item that bills the charge monthly, this manual addition will not impact any billing corrections that come from the Rebill Household task.
Receivables adjusted using the Adjust Selected Receivable task or the Correct Billing for Selected Receivable task.
Receivables transferred to a Promissory Note Receivable from the Receivables tab under Household Detail
Promissory Note Due amounts adjusted using the Maintain Selected Promissory Note task.
Deposit Due amounts adjusted using the Correct Billing for Selected Deposit task
Refund Credits
When any credit is refunded to the tenant. Refunding a credit takes the credit balance in the receivable account and places it in a Tenant Refund Payable account (or similar liability account). When paying the tenant (or agency) from your accounts payable application, this is the account relieved.
Transfer Deposit
When a deposit balance on hand amount is transferred from a deposit liability account and setup as a "Credit - Refunded Deposit" on the Receivables tab. Once the credit has been transferred, it can either be refunded or applied against any open receivable balances.
When a receivable open item has been written off using the Writeoff Selected Receivable Balance task from the Receivables tab, the Writeoff Selected Promissory Note task from the Promissory Notes tab, or the Forfeit Deposit task or the Household Moveout Accounting Activity task from the Deposits tab.
Each user (employee login) can be set-up with his/her favorite default Event History View and Event History Group in the File Menu > User Options > Household Accounting Options section.
Show Reversals - If you do not want to see reversed events un-check this box, otherwise reversed events will be displayed with << in front of them.
Payment Events that are reversed for NSF will have xx indicating that there is an NSF event above it. The NSF event can and usually does have a different event date than the original payment event.