You can use this task to write off an outstanding receivable balance that you are not going to collect from the tenant.
Before writing off a balance, in Charge Type Setup, the Writeoff General Ledger account number must be assigned to all charge types that you want to write off.
If you want to write off a credit balance, you must use the Apply Credit task first to apply the credit to any outstanding receivables, and then write off the remaining balance.
To write off a receivable balance, follow these steps:
1. Go to Household Detail > Accounting Tab > Receivables Tab.
2. In the Open Items section, highlight the receivable balance that you want to write off.
3. Go to Tasks > Writeoff Selected Receivable Balance.
4. The following fields are populated by the system and cannot be modified:
▪ Due Date—Displays the date on which the balance was due.
▪ Amount Due—Displays the amount of the balance.
▪ Community—Displays the community.
▪ Apt. Nbr.—Displays the apartment number
▪ Receivable Type—Displays the receivable type.
The GL accounts for write-offs of the receivable type are displayed beneath the Amount field.
5. Review or complete the following fields:
▪ Charge Date—Defaults to the current date. You can enter or select a different date. You cannot enter a future charge date.
▪ Amount—Defaults to the full amount of the selected item. The amount is shown as a credit. You can change the amount if you want to write off a portion of the balance.
▪ Note—Indicates that the item is a write-off. You can edit the note.
6. Click Finished. The write-off event appears in Event History, and the receivable balance no longer appears as an open item.