Receive Tenant Payment

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This task is used to receive a tenant payment at the household level for the purpose of providing the tenant with a printed receipt.

How do you get here?

Household Detail Accounting Tab Summary Tab Tasks Receive Tenant Payment

To Receive a Tenant Payment:

Review Pending Payments

  1. To assist you in preventing the recording of duplicate payments for the household, this step of the task will list any pending payments that have been created but not yet included in a Payment Batch at the  Accounting Detail > Payments tab.  Review this list to make sure that you are not duplicating a payment that is currently pending.

  2. If this is a new payment to record, click Next.

Add New Payment

The Household ID, Name, community, and unit are pre-filled for you with the current household's information.

  1. Select the Payment Method from the drop-down list.

  2. Enter the amount of the payment.

  3. Enter an optional Memo.

  4. If a household has had a Financial Warning Note added to their Notes Tab, a Household has Financial Warnings message will be displayed on the Add/Edit Payment window along with a View link to display text of the Financial Note.

  5. If a household is in process of eviction, you will see the message Eviction in Progress.  This message will be displayed for a household as soon as they've been Sent a Notice to Quit from the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > Legal tab or the Household Detail > Legal tab.

  6. Check the boxes under the Pay? column for the receivables to which you want this payment applied.  If you want to add a new receivable click the Add button on the right side of the screen in the Receivables title bar, a screen will pop up to enter the new receivable charge.

  1. If you are receiving an amount as unapplied or prepaid click the Add button on the right side of the screen in the Unapplied or Prepaid Items section, a screen will pop up to enter an unapplied payment, unapplied deposit, or prepaid payment.

  2. When you have finished applying the payment and the amount of remaining credit is $0.00 click Next.

Print Options

  1. To print a payment receipt for the tenant check the box under the Print column next to the document name.

  2. Enter the number copies you want in the Copies column.

  3. You can preview the receipt by clicking the preview icon.

  4. Click Finished to print the receipt.

Related Topics:

Accounting Detail

Start New Payment Batch

Delete Pending Payment