Add New Receivable while receiving a payment

If you are receiving a tenant payment for a charge that was never entered in the system you can add the receivable while you are receiving the payment by clicking Add on the right side of the screen in the Receivables title bar.

When you click this button the Add Receivable screen will pop up.

Community: The system will pre-fill this field with the household's community.

Apt. Nbr: The system will pre-fill this field with the household's apartment number.

Enter the following information:

  1. Charge Date: Enter the charge date or select it from the drop-down calendar.  You cannot enter a future charge date.

  2. Receivable Type: Click on the drop-down list to choose a Receivable Type for your charge.  When you have chosen a Receivable Type the GL accounts that are set up for it will be displayed beneath the Amount box on the screen.

  3. Amount: Enter the amount of the charge or credit. If you have chosen a receivable type that is a credit charge type, such as Rent Concession, enter the amount as positive, not negative.  The system will recognize it is a credit balance receivable type and post it as a credit.

  4. Note: You may enter a note of explanation.  This field is optional.

  5. Click OK.

An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message and display any GL entries that were created.

If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.

If it passed click Close.

Expected Result:

The charge will now be listed in the Receivables on the Add/Edit Payment screen so you can select it for payment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Can I add a receivable but not apply any payment toward it?

A. Yes, you can. The event will appear as an open item the household’s Receivable Tab.

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