In this task you will schedule the applicant/household to move or transfer into the unit on a specific date and create and mail third party verification forms. This creates a pending entry at the unit level so that you can not schedule any one else to move or transfer into that unit. It also creates a pending Move-In or Transfer for the applicant/household, so you cannot schedule them to move anywhere else. You can undo the scheduled Move-In/Transfer, if necessary.
If you need to use an existing household (i.e. - move-in a household into a new community) that was active in a community that has since become inactive in your database, you can contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 to have this household removed from the inactive community to be moved into an active community.
You must send and process an application for the tenant to create the household prior to moving the tenant in, and you need to have at least one unit vacant or have a scheduled move-out or transfer. For a transfer, the transfer needs to have been requested for household at Household Detail > General tab.
A valid income layer must be selected for each funding program presented where a choice is available. Considerations when selecting a layer:
If the Next Available Unit Rule is in effect on a layer, that layer must be selected.
If an optional funding program has layers at maximum, the only valid selection will be Not Participating.
If a unit is locked in a layer for a funding program, the layer must be picked
Checking the override box will bypass compliance checking on minimums, maximums and next available unit rule. However, override will not be able to bypass Locked status or will not allow a household to be counted on a layer lower than where they income qualify.
Successful Household MI without override will occur if a unit, Household,waitlist group and layers are selected as a valid combination, and meet these conditions:
The unit has no compliance requirements
The MI fills at least one compliance shortage or leaves the unit counted exactly as it is already counted
The MI complies with locks set on the unit
The MI does not occur on a layer already at maximum
The MI does not ignore a layer with requirement caused by Next Available Unit Rule (household on 140% over layer)
The Move-In will fail if one of these conditions is not met. Move-In may occur to a Blocked group, with override. If a waitlist group is “Blocked” because a unit is locked out of layer, no eligible Household will be displayed—even if the user selects an income override. The user must remove the lock from the unit to complete the Move-In. If the desired combination does not pass compliance for one of the reasons above, the Income/Layer override checkbox can be used to bypass validations for minimums and maximums. The scheduled move-in will move to the Authorize Override activity on Manage Vacancies. When several funding programs that restrict rent based on income layers are combined, the tenant rent will be restricted to the lowest. For example, it is possible for a household to be counted at 50% for the HOME program but 60% for the Federal Tax Credit program to satisfy the requirements at the federal 60% level.
Occupancy and Compliance Manage Vacancies Tab
Schedule Move-In/Transfer
Household Detail
General tab
Schedule Move-In Household or Schedule Transfer
Select the Date you wish to move the tenant in on.
The pending Unit Information is listed including the current tenant's out date. You will receive an error message when the move-out date you select is before the scheduled move-out of the current tenant of the unit.
Click Next.
Enter a Waitlist Comment.
Select any Override Options as necessary. You can override the Age Compliance Check, Income/Layer Compliance Check and RA (for USDA households). If you choose to override compliance, your pending tenant will be placed in the Authorize Overrides To-Do List Activity.
When the Funding Program is HUD 811 PRAC the Schedule Move-In tasks will fail when neither the head, co-head nor spouse have a handicap status equal to disabled or handicapped. The move in can be completed if the handicap override has been selected and approved.
The override for the Income/Layer Compliance Check has been enabled for all programs. In the past, the income override had been disabled unless HUD or USDA rules applied. For example, on a schedule move-in into a Tax Credit funding program, you may need to bypass the min/max limits to move the household in. Another example to use the income override would be to support a government initiative to move in ineligible households in response to disasters with no tax credit penalty.
You are required to enter a comment in the Waitlist Comment field when an Override has been selected. This comment will be available for review in the Authorize Overrides To-Do List Activity and in the Review Overrides task.
You may be prompted to set the income layer depending on your program, make the selection if necessary.
Click Next.
You will get a status box letting you know if the action has passed or failed. If this action passed, simply close the status box. If this action failed, you may need to use an override.
The next step will be to add/update references.
To Add a reference click either "Add Personal Reference" or "Add Business" Reference. The only difference between the two record types is the way they are addressed. Personal records will have a first name and last name. Business records have one name field. You can have a personal or business employer or landlord.
Search for the business name or person name you wish to add to prevent duplicates.
If a match is found click "OK". If it is not click "New" to create a new record.
Enter the Member Name for this reference, the reference type, and the claim number if necessary.
If this was a new record you will also need to add the phone number and address for this reference.
Click "Save" to save your changes or "Save and New" to add additional references.
Continue this process until all references have been added.
Click Next.
For Move-Ins, the next step will be to reserve Amenities.
This step will only be available if there are any Amenities available at the community for the scheduled move-in date.
If you need to reserve an amenity that is located under a different community, you will need to do that using the Rent Amenity task at the Household Detail > Additional Info tab.
Click the Add link to Select an Amenity to Schedule.
Select an amenity from the first Popup window and click OK.
Accept the Payment and Gross Potential amounts from the second Popup for the Amenity's monthly charge or click the "Override Rent?" check box and enter different amounts for the Payment and Gross Potential fields and click OK.
Highlight an existing scheduled amenity and click the Remove link to remove any amenities previously scheduled.
Click the "Remove this scheduled amenity?" check box to confirm the removal and click OK.
Click Next.
On the Print Options step print the available documents for Reference and Verification forms.
Enter the Send Date and Return date to be printed on the Verification forms.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Household: Schedule Move-in" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
Click Finished to print selected forms and schedule the move-in.
Enter the date of the new unit Move-In or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the date of the old unit Move-Out or select it from the drop-down calendar. It should be the day before the new unit Move-In.
The Legal Outdate will default to the day before the move-in date and can not be edited.
Click Next.
If you need to report any changes in household composition or assets, income and expenses, select the check box and click Next.
If selected, you will get a warning message asking to make sure that this is the correct action. Click Yes to continue or No to remove your selection.
Enter a Waitlist Comment and a Turnover Note.
Click Next.
You will see a Results Popup stating whether or not you were successful in scheduling the transfer.
The next step will be to add/update references.
To Add a reference click either "Add Personal Reference" or "Add Business" Reference. The only difference between the two record types is the way they are addressed. Personal records will have a first name and last name. Business records have one name field. You can have a personal or business employer or landlord.
Search for the business name or person name you wish to add to prevent duplicates.
If a match is found click "OK". If it is not click "New" to create a new record.
Enter the Member Name for this reference, the reference type, and the claim number if necessary.
If this was a new record you will also need to add the phone number and address for this reference.
Click "Save" to save your changes or "Save and New" to add additional references.
Continue this process until all references have been added.
Click Next.
On the Print Options step print the available documents for Reference and Verification forms.
Enter the Send Date and Return date to be printed on the Verification forms.
Click Finished to print selected forms and schedule the transfer.
Navigate to the household you wish to move in.
From the General tab of the household, click the Tasks button.
Select the Schedule Move-In task.
Enter the move-in date, then click Next.
Select the waitlist entry from the top half of the screen and the unit that the household is moving into on the bottom half of the screen. Then click Next.
You may be prompted to set the income layer depending on your program, make the selection if necessary.
Enter a Waitlist Comment.
Select any Override Options as necessary.
Click Next.
You will get a status box letting you know if the action has passed or failed. If this action passed, simply close the status box. If this action failed, you may need to use an override.
The next step will be to add/update references.
To Add a reference click either "Add Personal Reference" or "Add Business" Reference. The only difference between the two record types is the way they are addressed. Personal records will have a first name and last name. Business records have one name field. You can have a personal or business employer or landlord.
Search for the business name or person name you wish to add to prevent duplicates.
If a match is found click "OK". If it is not click "New" to create a new record.
Enter the Member Name for this reference, the reference type, and the claim number if necessary.
If this was a new record you will also need to add the phone number and address for this reference.
Click "Save" to save your changes or "Save and New" to add additional references.
Continue this process until all references have been added.
Click Next.
For Move-Ins, the next step will be to reserve Amenities.
This step will only be available if there are any Amenities available at the community for the scheduled move-in date.
Click the Add link to Select an Amenity to Schedule.
Select an amenity from the first Popup window and click OK.
Accept the Payment and Gross Potential amounts from the second Popup for the Amenity's monthly charge or click the "Override Rent?" check box and enter different amounts for the Payment and Gross Potential fields and click OK.
Highlight an existing scheduled amenity and click the Remove link to remove any amenities previously scheduled.
Click the "Remove this scheduled amenity?" check box to confirm the removal and click OK.
Click Next.
On the Print Options step print the available documents for Reference and Verification forms.
Enter the Send Date and Return date to be printed on the Verification forms.
Click Finished to print selected forms and schedule the move-in.
Enter the date of the new unit Move-In or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the date of the old unit Move-Out or select it from the drop-down calendar. It should be the day before the new unit Move-In.
The Legal Outdate will default to the day before the move-in date and can not be edited.
Click Next.
If you need to report any changes in household composition or assets, income and expenses, select the check box and click Next.
If selected, you will get a warning message asking to make sure that this is the correct action. Click Yes to continue or No to remove your selection.
Enter a Waitlist Comment and a Turnover Note.
Click Next.
You will see a Results Popup stating whether or not you were successful in scheduling the transfer.
The next step will be to add/update references.
To Add a reference click either "Add Personal Reference" or "Add Business" Reference. The only difference between the two record types is the way they are addressed. Personal records will have a first name and last name. Business records have one name field. You can have a personal or business employer or landlord.
Search for the business name or person name you wish to add to prevent duplicates.
If a match is found click "OK". If it is not click "New" to create a new record.
Enter the Member Name for this reference, the reference type, and the claim number if necessary.
If this was a new record you will also need to add the phone number and address for this reference.
Click "Save" to save your changes or "Save and New" to add additional references.
Continue this process until all references have been added.
Click Next.
On the Print Options step print the available documents for Reference and Verification forms.
Enter the Send Date and Return date to be printed on the Verification forms.
Click Finished to print selected forms and schedule the transfer.
Q. Can I change the unit or Move-In date later if I need to?
A. Yes, you can redo the schedule step to select a different date or undo it to change the unit.
Q. What are overrides for?
A. Overrides are used to schedule a Move-In when you have the approval to bypass a program requirement, such as renting a handicap unit to a non-handicap tenant if you don't have any eligible applicants.
Q. What happens if I use an override?
A. A request will be sent to your supervisor for approval and the schedule step will pass. You will not be able to move forward to the certify step until your request has been approved. If you are the supervisor your request will be approved automatically.
My unit does not appear in the list of available units during the wizard
My applicant is not listed on the manage vacancies screen for that unit
My unit is not listed on the manage vacancies screen
The schedule process returns a failed message