To-Do List - Authorize Overrides:
Households appear in this activity if overrides were selected when scheduling the move-in/transfer. The authorization of overrides can be done by whoever has access to the task under System Administration > Define Access.
Household's that are waiting for the override to be authorized will have a Activity / Notes item on their Household Detail > General tab saying "Movein is awaiting Approval of Override".
When in the Scheduled Move-In/Transfer task on the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > Manage Vacancies or Household Detail > General tabs, the user is required to enter a comment in the Waitlist Comment field when an Override has been selected.
If the Override is Approved, the household will move on to the verify step of the move-in process and the user can continue with the move in. If it is rejected, another applicant will need to be selected for move-in. If the overrides are rejected, the household will move to the Certify Move-In/Transfer activity with an indicator saying that the move-in/transfer failed due to the overrides not being authorized.