
You may need an override when scheduling a move in. If your move in requires an override a request will be created for your supervisor for approval. If you have no supervisor specified than you will receive an error telling you that you cannot use the override until you are assigned a supervisor. If you are the supervisor your request will be approved automatically.

How do you get here?

Overrides are used during the schedule move in task.

The Age Compliance Check override will allow you to move a tenant who is under 62 and not handicapped or disabled into an elderly preference community.

The Handicap Compliance Check override can be used to move a non handicap tenant into a handicap designated unit.

The Income Compliance Check override will allow you to schedule a low income tenant to move in at a Section 8 community where the ELI preference is in effect. This can be used when you have no ELI applicants to move in.

The Override RA option will allow you to assign RA to a tenant when there is none available- to be used in conjunction with emergency natural disaster relief efforts.

Related Topics:

Schedule Move In