This task is used to undo an accounting event that happened in error. It will create a reversing GL event to ”wash” the first event. The date for the reversing event will have the same effective date as the original event. The actual financial period each is posted to is determined by how you process the pending GL entries for each event. They could potentially be posted in different periods.
For Bostonpost Financials and IRES MRI customers, Refund Credit tasks will create Accounts Payable Invoices for tenants directly to your Accounts Payable System. To turn on this functionality, you need to "Enable Tenant Payable Interface" at System Administration > Accounting Setup > Export Information Setup. When the Tenant Payable Interface is enabled, no GL Entries are created directly. Instead an Accounts Payable Invoice is created and loaded to your Accounts Payable application.
If you reverse a Refund Credit event manually from a Household’s Event History with this task when the Tenant Payable Interface is enabled, this action will not create GL Entries to be processed to your general ledger. It is expected that those GL Entries will come from your Accounts Payable module when the invoice is reversed there.
The event you are going to reverse cannot be a Rent or Subsidy billing or billing correction event . Those events are based on the certifications on the Transactions Tab of the household. You must correct Rent and Subsidy billing by updating the tenant’s certification for the appropriate period, and the system will make the appropriate corrections automatically. If , for example, rent should be written-off or concessioned off, then you should use the Write Off Selected Receivable task to write-off the Open Item or the Add New Receivable task to add a Rent Concession and then use the Apply Credits task to apply the credit to the Rent open item.
Subsidy payments that are included on a HAP Request cannot be reversed with this task, as HAP Requests are now reconciled in Property Manager before the payment is posted, ensuring HAP subsidy payments are applied correctly. This will prevent you from incorrectly reversing a subsidy payment that was paid as part of an approved HAP Request.
A Receivable Adjustment event that converted subsidy due into a Promissory Note Payable can only be reversed when the OARQ created from the Convert Subsidy Due to Promissory Note task has not been included on a HAP request and the unbilled balance of the note equals the total due on the Promissory Note Payable (it hasn't been billed out yet). This will allow you to reverse the Promissory Note Payable if it was created for the wrong amount, for example.
A Receivable Adjustment event that transferred a Receivable open item to a Promissory Note Receivable can only be reversed when the Note Receivable Schedule has been deleted from the Promissory Notes tab (Delete Selected Promissory Note).
The Reverse Selected Event task shows a list of any subsequent events that need to be reversed before reversing the selected event. A "STOP - SUBSEQUENT ACTIVITY ERROR" message will appear. To continue with the reversal, you must first reverse these events in the order listed, when there is more than one event that needs to be reversed. You will not be allowed to reverse the event, and will get an informational message telling you that the event was not reversed when you click Finished.
Reversing an event other than a payment
Reversing a payment event on the Receivables, Deposits, or Promissory Notes Tab
Reversing a payment event on the Subsidy Tab
Q. The Rent/Subsidy billing in the household does not look correct to me, how can I correct it?
A: The Rebill Household task will check that all Rent and Subsidy billing matches the scheduled items and the certifications on the Transactions tab of the household, and will make any necessary billing corrections.
Record NSF for Selected Payment