Delete Selected Promissory Note

This task is used to delete a promissory note that was created from the Transfer Receivables to Promissory Note task on the Household Detail > Accounting Receivables tab either in error or with incorrect information. If any part of the promissory note has already been billed and the balance appears in Open Items, you must first reverse the Billing Correction event(s) to make the Unbilled Balance of the scheduled item match the Total Amount due.

This task is not available for promissory notes created with the Convert Subsidy Due to Promissory Note task from the Household Detail > Accounting > Subsidy tab. If a promissory note is created in error, use the Reverse Selected Event task on the Receivable Adjustment event that created the Repayment Agreement. Reversing this event will put all the open items back that the note was created from.

Once the note has been paid in full or the remaining balance has been written off in full, the schedule can be deleted.

To delete a selected promissory note, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Household Detail > Accounting Tab.

2.         Go to Promissory Notes Tab, and then highlight the note in the Scheduled Items section.

3.         Go to Tasks > Delete Selected Promissory Note.

4.         On the Delete Selected Promissory Note page, click Finished to delete the note.


The scheduled item will be gone. If there is still a remaining balance, you will need to either use the Reverse Selected Event task, or you can use the Write Off Selected Note Remaining Balance task to write the balance off.


Related Topics

         Reverse Selected Event

         Transfer Receivables to Promissory Note

         Maintain Selected Promissory Note

         Writeoff Selected Note Due Balance