Waive Selected Late Charge

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You can use this task to waive or reduce a late charge that was assessed based on the Late Charge Method setup for the community or funding program group and the household's open balance.


If a late charge is reversed using the Reverse Selected Event task, the late charge will be assessed again during the next nightly cycle.

However, the Reverse Selected Event task can be used to reverse or waive late charges in the following situations:

            The wrong amount was assessed because the Late Charge Method set up for the community or unding program group was incorrect. Once the Late Charge Method has been corrected, the late charge can be reversed and assessed again.

            The late charges were assessed, and then a payment batch has been processed with a batch date in the past. Therefore, the late charge no longer applies for the household.


To waive a late charge, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Household Detail > Accounting Tab > Receivables Tab.

2.         In the Open Item section, highlight the late charge balance that you want to waive.

3.         Go to Tasks > Waive Selected Late Charge.

4.         In the Charge Date field, enter or select the effective date of the receivable adjustment event that waives or reduces the assessed late charge.

5.         In the Amount field, enter the amount that you want to waive. This amount defaults to a full credit of the entire amount of the late charge. If you want to credit a portion of the balance, enter the amount to credit. After you have entered the amount, hit the Tab key on your keyboard, and then the new amount after the adjustment is displayed.

6.         In the Note field, enter information about the late charge.

7.         Click Finished. The adjustment appears in Event History as a billing correction with the same date as the Assess Late Charge event. The open item is updated to show the new amount, or if it is waived entirely, the open item no longer appears.

Related Topics

         Assess Late Charge at the Household Level

         Assess Late Charge at the Community Level

         Reverse Selected Event