You can only reverse a subsidy payment completely as if it had never been received, even if it was misapplied. If the payment was actually received but misapplied you will need to reverse the payment and then re-receive it using the Start New Payment Batch task in the Accounting Detail. Remember to use the same dates you used in the original payment batch.
Subsidy payments that are included on a HAP Request cannot be reversed with this task, as HAP Requests are now reconciled in Property Manager before the payment is posted, ensuring HAP subsidy payments are applied correctly. This will prevent you from incorrectly reversing a subsidy payment that was paid as part of an approved HAP Request.
Note: You may enter a note of explanation. This field is optional.
Click Finished
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message and display any GL entries that were created.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
The payment event that has been reversed now appears with << next to the event date, indicating that it has been reversed. A pending GL entry has been created and will appear in the Pending GL Batches view on the General Ledger Tab of the Accounting Detail, that offsets the GL entry of the original payment event.
Reversing an event other than a payment
Reversing a payment event on the Receivables or Deposits Tab