This task is used to edit an existing Legal Transaction manually added for a selected household. You will not be able to use these tasks on Legal Transactions added by Property Manager, only on Legal Transactions added manually by a user with the Add a Legal Transaction task.
A Legal Transaction has been manually added to the household with the Add a Legal Transaction task.
Household Detail Legal Tab
Edit Legal Transaction
After highlighting a Legal Transaction, start the task.
Change the Effective Date of the note.
Change the Transaction Sub-Type from the drop down list.
Legal Transaction Sub-Types are maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Legal Transaction Sub Type.
Make changes a note/explanation in the Description field to describe the new Legal Transaction that you are documenting.
Change the Follow-up Date for this Legal Transaction, if necessary.
Click Next.
If you have enabled attachments for Legal Transactions at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants, the next will be to scan and/or attach any necessary files to this legal transaction (Manage Attachments), otherwise skip to the next step.
Click Next.
Select the Legal Transaction document you want to print by clicking on it, if more than one is listed.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Eviction: Miscellaneous" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
You can preview the Legal Transaction document by clicking Preview.
Click Finished to print the Legal Transaction documents.
When the task has been completed successfully, new legal transactions will have been created for the selected household.
Undo Legal Transaction (Only available from the Household Detail > Legal tab)