This task is used to make changes to a scheduled item other than Rent in a household. Rent is a certified schedule and can only be maintained by correcting the certification on the Transaction tab. All other schedules (i.e. - Air Conditioning, Cable TV, Parking, etc.) are non-certified and are maintainable by this task.
There must be a non-certified scheduled receivable in the scheduled items section of the Receivables tab.
You cannot change the receivable type with this task. If you need to change the type you will need to use this task to enter a Mature Date of the day prior to the payment start date to expire the scheduled item, then use the Add New Scheduled Receivable task to create a new receivable scheduled item with the correct information.
Household Detail
Accounting Tab
Receivables Tab
highlight the scheduled receivable you want to maintain in the Scheduled Items section
Maintain Selected Scheduled Receivable
Payment Start Date: You may change the payment start date by entering the new start date or clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting a date on the calendar. The field will default to the payment start date that was entered when the receivable was added and must be the first of a month.
Frequency: You may change the frequency by selecting a different frequency from the drop-down list (Once or Monthly).
Payment Amount: You may change the payment amount by entering the new amount of the billing/payments.
Expiration Method - You may change the expiration method for the schedule by selecting one of the following options.
Total Due - The scheduled receivable will bill the amount you set up each frequency you selected, until it reaches the total amount you enter in this field.
Select the "Bill Remaining Due at Moveout" parameter if you want any unbilled balance on the schedule to be billed out on move-out of the household.
Maturity Date - The scheduled receivable will bill the amount you set up each frequency you selected, until it reaches the date you enter in this field. You would normally use the last day of the last period you want to stop billing, i.e. if the last charge you want is in May, you would type in 5/31/07.
Never - The system defaults to this option. The scheduled receivable will bill the amount you set up each frequency you selected, for the entire time the tenant is in that unit, or until it is manually expired.
Calculated Entries - If you selected a frequency other than Once, clicking Calculate will display how many periods it will take to bill the total receivable based on the frequency you selected.
Click Finished.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message and display any GL entries that were created.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
The updated non-certified scheduled receivable will appear in the Scheduled Items section.
Changing the amount to bill or expiring a schedule, will adjust or remove open items (or add credit open items for open items that have been paid) that were created from the schedule. Events created by Property Manager are recorded in Event History with an event type of "Billing Correction".
When Maintaining a Non-Certified Scheduled Receivable (i.e. Air Conditioning Chare, Cable TV), Property Manager will rebill the schedule based on your changes to the schedule. This task will not evaluate Receivable Adjustments. It will only look to existing Billings and Billing Corrections for a schedule to see if additional Billing Corrections are needed.
If a user has corrected or adjusted an open item created from the schedule or added a new receivable open item that uses the same charge type as a schedule, maintaining the schedule will not look at these types of corrections, which show as "Receivable Adjustments" in Event History, when evaluating the schedule.
If a user has reversed an event that was billed from a schedule, maintaining the schedule will put the open item back that was removed with the reversal. Instead of reversing an event, correct the balance to zero or write it off.