Household Create Certification

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Create Certification is not its own task wizard, but is part of many task wizards that create certifications.  Both from the Household General & Transaction Tabs as well as the Annual Recertification Process under Occupancy and Compliance Detail.



How do you get here?

Household Detail General Tab Tasks  Initial Certification

Interim Certification

Interim Certification (W/O Verification)

Lease Renewal

Unscheduled Certification

Unscheduled Certification (W/O Verification)

Swap Counted Group

Swap Layer

Create Move-In/Transfer Certification


Household Detail Transactions Tab Tasks  Rebuild Selected Transaction

Rebuild Selected Transaction for HAP


Occupancy and Compliance Detail Annual Recertification Tab Tasks  Create Certification

Recreate Certification


Occupancy and Compliance Manage Vacancies Tab Tasks Create Move-In/Transfer Certification


Click anywhere on the image for more information, including Certification Options specific to each funding program.  See below for steps to follow when creating a certification.

To Create Certification:

  1. This screen will vary depending on your funding program.  There are some optional sections depending on your funding program. You may need to address:

  2. Certification Options (Click here for details of Certification options by Funding Program)

    1. For HUD you can specify the previous housing code, displacement status, exception code, minimum rent hardship code, and a Waiver Type Code.

      • Waiver Type Codes are:

        • <None> – this selection made when no waiver has been granted. It should be noted that Owner/Agent do not always need a written HUD waiver to move in or initial certify unqualified household.   

        • AGE – Age waiver for an elderly property (restricted not preference)

        • INC – Income (For HUD subsidy types other than Section 8).  You will not be able to select this code if the household is counted in a funding program where the subsidy type is Section 8     

        • NEAR – Near Elderly

        • DSBL – Waiver for a non-disabled person to move in to a property for the disabled (e.g. 811 PRAC)

        • OTH – An ”Other” waiver that is not covered by one of the above codes.

    2. For USDA you can indicate if the household has any exempt income.

    3. For Tax Credit you can set the student explanation code if all members are students.

    4. For PHA you are required to enter the household's Zip Code Prior to Admission.

    5. For Funding Programs where the Annual Recertification date is set to “Alternate Date for Tenant” on the Community Detail > Program Groups tab, then you are required to enter or select a Recertification Date.

    6. For HUD, USDA and PHA where a member is missing a SSN and they have not yet been assigned a TRACS ID/USDA A Nbr/Alternate ID you will receive an error trying to complete this task.  To bypass the error, select the "SSN Exception" Override Compliance option.

    7. For Funding Programs where no rules apply (conventional, commercial), the Certify Step will always allow overrides if the move-in was scheduled with an override.

    8. When there is a NY Welfare Region for the property and at least Income row is present for AFDC/TANF Income, the following fields must be completed to pass validation:

      1. Household has children? - will default based on household composition

      2. # in Household - will default to the current household count.  Use this field to adjust the number of household members if the shelter allowance is not based on the current total household count.

      3. Current Amount - will display the current Welfare Rent predetermined by the "Household has children" indicator and the number in the household.

      4. Fuel Allowance Adjustment - defaults to $0.00.  Use this field to enter the adjustment needed to change the Current Amount above, if necessary.

      5. New Amount - this will sum the Current Amount and the Fuel Allowance Adjustment.

  3. Rent

    1. If the funding program does not dictate the rents, you will have a box in the lower right side of the screen where you can enter a rent override. Enter the rent in all fields and the utility allowance if applicable. This option is hidden when the funding program provides the rents for you.

      • The Rent Information is presented here to give you as much information about what rent will be for this household once the certification is created.

        • Actual Rent - the household's/unit's actual Unit Rent and Utility Allowance (actual from unit rents in effect for the certification effective date)

        • Rent Plan - Rent Information from the Rent Plan (Rent 1, Utility Allowance) that is in effect as of the effective date of the Transaction that is being created.

        • Proposed Rent - This will be either Actual rent or Rent Plan depending on rent change rules.

        • Override Proposed Rent - If allowed by the funding program, check to Override.  If Checked, Proposed Rent will be Overridden.

          • If you had previously overriden rent on a certification that is being rebuilt, the previous Rent Override for the selected household will be preserved when rebuilding certifications.  If you need to get back to Rent Plan values, a rent change will need to be done with override values that match plan.

        • If override option is not available for this funding program group display same as message today: "Rent overrides are not available for this funding program group"

      • You don't need to enter an override for Rent 2, depending on the type of certification, it will either remain unchanged or be copied from the Rent Plan.

    2. For RAD, if a household is being swapped into or is currently in this funding program, then the following TTP at RAD Conversion fields will show:

      • Override TTP at RAD Conversion? - Select this option to override TTP when creating the Initial Certification. After the IC, this option is no longer used.

      • TTP Before Conversion - Displays what the current TTP is before the conversion to RAD.

      • TTP at RAD Conversion - Enter what the TTP should be on the Initial Certification into the RAD funding.

      • TTP Override? - Select this option to override the TTP on any certification after the Initial Certification.

  4. Set the Lease Information as a Lease with a start and end date, as month-to-month with an effective (start) date, or as No Lease.

  5. Click Next to continue to the print options step for the task that you are in.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why am I not seeing an allowance for the elderly family deduction?