This task is used to build your monthly HAP Request that will be transmitted to HUD/Contract Administrator.
The Subsidy Billing Cycle for the month for which the HAP Request Month has to been completed.
You can not build a HAP when there are households overdue by more than 3 months for an Annual Recertification. The task will display a list of the affected households on the Build Status step. These households will need to either have a current Annual Recertification or a Termination certification before the HAP can be built.
There is an exception to this rule for households that are counted in a PRAC Funding Program Group (HUD 202 PRAC or HUD 811 PRAC). You will still be able to build a HAP Request when there are households in these funding programs with an overdue annual recertification because terminations are not permitted by these programs.
Occupancy and Compliance Detail
select the community in the context bar
HAP Requests Tab
Build New HAP Request
Occupancy and Compliance Detail
select the community in the context bar
General Tab
Build New HAP Request
Select the Contract.
Enter the Voucher Date as MO/YEAR. This field will default to the month and year following the last HAP Request built. Click Next.
The Signed Date will default to the current date, however you can enter another date or select it from the drop-down calendar. The bottom half of the window will display any and all messages with regards to the HAP Request you are building. If there are any errors, you will not be able to proceed until they have been taken care of.
You will receive an error if there are households overdue by more than 3 months for an Annual Recertification. The task will display a list of the affected households. These households will need to either have a current Annual Recertification or a Termination certification before you can continue building this HAP.
Click Next.
Any Miscellaneous Adjustments that have not yet been included on a HAP request will be listed. Check the box(es) in the Include column next to adjustments you want to include on this HAP request, and then click Next.
Any Special Claims that have not yet been included on a HAP request will be listed. Check the box(es) in the Include column next to the special claims you want to include on this HAP request, and then click Next.
Any Repayment Agreements that have not yet been included on a HAP request will be listed. Check the box(es) in the Include column next to the repayment agreements you want to include on this HAP request, and then click Next.
Any certifications for the selected contract will be listed. Review the certifications and verify that those you want to include on this HAP request are complete.
For HUD 202D, for Sec 8, PAC and PRAC, the HAP cutoff date is one month prior to the voucher date. These vouchers are billed between the first and 10th of the month for the following month. In other words, if you bill on 8/5, you are billing for September. For RAP and Rent Supp Vouchers, the HAP cutoff date is the Voucher Date. RAP and Rent Supp vouchers are billed for between the first and 10th of the month for the current month. In other words, if you bill on 8/5 you are billing for August.
Certifications that have an Anticipated Voucher Date greater than the voucher date of the HAP currently being built will be included in the list, but not selected to be included. These certifications can be included on the current HAP by manually selecting them as long as long as they qualify and are eligible (completed and confirmed) to be included on the current HAP.
Only full month certifications (ARs, IRs and ICs) equal to the HAP Voucher date will be transmitted. Partial month certifications (UTs, MIs) less than or equal to the Voucher date will be transmitted. MOs and TR certifications less than or equal to the Voucher date will be transmitted for Sec 8, PAC and PRAC. MOs and TR certifications for RAP and Rent Supp must be less than the Voucher date. A GR may be included on a HAP if its effective date is less than or equal to the HAP date. (How do I know what certifications should be on my HAP voucher?)
Certifying a GR change will only be allowed for HUD programs that transmit vouchers when all billing prior to the HAP Voucher the certification will be eligible for has been completed.
Please refer to mentioned above for the Attachment 4_MAT_App_H_202C.doc under the ”TRACS 202C Final Industry Specification Draft Documents” link on this web page. The Attachment 4 document contains a handy chart on the cutoff date for a HAP Voucher.
Click Next.
A preliminary 52670 Summary, 52670 Detail, and any additional parts to the 52670 will be displayed in the window on the following tabs. You may print the forms by clicking the printer icon printer in the toolbar.
Click Next through these tabs to review each form.
You should review these preliminary forms for accuracy before proceeding. What should I check on my HAP Request before I save it to make sure it is correct?
A pop-up will appear asking "Do you want to save this HAP Request?", with an explanation of your choices.
If you selected Yes to save the HAP Request and prepare the files to be transmitted, you will have the opportunity to preview and print the summary and detail forms for your records.
When you click Next any forms you selected will print and you will be brought to the Transmit Files screen.
The transmit method destinations are defined in System Administration -> Maintain Lookup Tables -> HUD Transmit Method.
You will also have the option here, to send a single PDF file containing the HUD-52670 and HUD-52670-A Part 1, to any email address. This email will be sent from your local computer/email address, with the PDF file as an attachment. In the Destination field enter the email address to which you want to send the PDF file. The subject and body of the email will detail the forms that are attached to the email. After the PDF files are created and the email is sent, the PDF files are deleted from Property Manager, but you can check the message in your email outbox/sent folder to see the contents of the files.
The email address to send the PDF can be defaulted for each HUD Contract. The email address selected in the Admin E-Mail drop down list on the Community Detail > Contract tab will be the default. This drop down list is populated from System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Admin E-mail Address.
If you have not installed PDF support you will receive an error message directing you to the Property Manager Help Menu to install it. Before being able to print PDF files you will need to download and install "AFPL Ghostscript" software. This software is not supported or distributed by Bostonpost, but a free download is available from the internet. The Help Menu includes a PDF Support submenu that will assist you with installing the necessary components, verifying installation, and producing a sample PDF document. The initial installation will require administrator rights on the local computer. Note that PDF support is optional. Please read all instructions/notes carefully before installing this software.
Click Next. A TRACS Logon will popup. Enter your WASS ID and Password and click OK to transmit the file(s). Click Cancel if you are not ready to transmit at this time.
If there is a Tenant (MAT) Data File in this HAP Request, it must be selected for transmission in order to continue with this task. If the Tenant (MAT) Data File is not transmitted, this HAP Request will be abandoned. You will have to go back through this task again to build the HAP Request.
If you have already successfully transmitted a file, the WASS ID Logon popup will not appear. After a successful connection, this WASS ID and password will be saved for the current session only. If you close Property Manager completely and come back to transmit files, you will be required to re-enter your WASS ID. It's a recommended to log off Property Manager when you are not at your desk to prevent others from transmitting files under your WASS ID.
If your WASS ID/Password is incorrect, you will get the following message:
You have entered an invalid WASS ID/Password. From the Confirm Transmission tab, you can click on <<Prev and try again.
Please be aware that this ID and password are case sensitive.
If it has been 60 days or more since you last changed your password, go to to renew your password.
If you can successfully connect to Secure Systems with your WASS ID and still encounter this problem, contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
Here is the HUD link for the explanation of Password Expiration and what a valid password can be:
If you receive the following message you will need to contact the TRACS helpdesk to obtain "iMAX Webservices" access for you WASS ID:
SOAP Exception:
The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden.
Your WASS ID does not have access to IMAX webservices. Contact their helpdesk at 1 800 767 7588 or by sending an email to either helpdesk email address or to request access.
From the Confirm Transmission step of the task you can review the status of the files that were just transmitted, as well as those that failed to transmit.
Clicking the Printer icon will print out this list.
Click Prev to attempt to transmit any files that failed to go. OR
Click Next to build another HAP Request or Finished to complete the task - see below for explanation.
Property Manager looks at the contract pick list to find the next contract in the pick list, and remembers the "next contract", if there is one. At the end of the Build New HAP Request Task, the Next button will be enabled if a "next contract" exists, i.e. - there are more HAP Requests to build. Clicking Next will reset the wizard to the beginning of the task, with the "next contract" value pre-selected. Clicking Finished will close the wizard normally. If no "next contract" exists, all HAP Requests for the selected month have been built, when the last contract is selected, the Next button at the end of the task will not be enabled and the Finished button will be the only option.
This new functionality will work when you have a community selected in the context bar or when <All Authorized Communities> is selected in the context bar, and will be most useful when <All Authorized Communities> is selected.
This functionality is only available when building a New HAP Request. It is not available for any other tasks on this tab.
Build New (MAT) Tenant Data File
Review MAT Records and Responses
Transmit/Retransmit TRACS Files in Selected Item
Review/Edit TRACS Files in Selected Item