This task provides you a place to view TRACS Responses and error messages for each tenant certification that has been transmitted as to whether or not HUD or the CA has accepted the tenant certification or rejected it. The task wizard allows you to accept a tenant certification as ”Accepted by HUD”, or mark to mark it as ”Rejected by HUD”. The task is intended only for viewing TRACS Responses tied to certifications, rejecting the certifications if indicated, and marking the associated TRACS Responses as processed.
TRACS Responses that are not linked to a specific certification will not be displayed in this task. Those can be reviewed at Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS > HAP Requests - Review All TRACS Responses.
TRACS Responses have been received for a tenant certification that has been transmitted.
Occupancy and Compliance Detail
HAP Requests Tab
Review MAT Records and Responses
Occupancy and Compliance Detail
General Tab
Review MAT Records and Responses
Select the Contract and click Next.
Highlight each certification listed under MAT Tenant Records to review the TRACS Responses for the selected MAT Tenant Record. Click the Expand button to see all the details for the TRACS Response
After reviewing the TRACS Response for the selected MAT Tenant Record, select the appropriate status for the certification:
Accepted by HUD - the TRACS Responses is marked as processed
Marking a certification as Accepted by HUD does not mark the certification as Approved by HUD. This task is only intended to process TRACS Responses that have been received.
Rejected by HUD - Certification is marked as rejected and the TRACS Response is marked as processed
When a certification is rejected through this task, the certification will be deleted from the household in the same manner as if you had used the Household Detail > Transactions - Delete Selected Transaction and MAT Record task to delete it.
Approved MI/Term DS, this will create a Move In correction that will be transmitted as a termination (MAT65 record) with a form 50059A and will remove subsidy as of the MI date creating adjustments for the next HAP. The MI will still be confirmed. The original MI will show on the transaction tab as invalid.
This termination reason will be used by Owner/Agents when a move in transaction cannot be accepted with subsidy because the household was receiving assistance in other community. The CA will require a termination on the same effective date as the move-in to remove the subsidy even though the household occupies the unit
<no action> - this status will leave the TRACS Response available to be reviewed again.
Once a TRACS Response is marked as processed it will not show in this task again.
Click Finished when you have completed all the appropriate status changes.
Build New (MAT) Tenant Data File
Transmit/Retransmit TRACS Files in Selected Item