This task is used to permanently reject a HAP Request file or a Tenant File that a HUD/Contract Administrator has rejected.
You should reject a file in Property Manager only if you are absolutely certain that is was rejected by HUD/Contract Administrator. Once a file is rejected there is no way to recover it.
When using this task to reject a Voucher File that had Tenant Files created/sent with it, the Tenant Files will not be marked as rejected, only the Voucher file. The Tenant Files will be moved to a new HAP Request to be built and the Tenant Files remain active and transmitted.
The task is available only for files that have been transmitted to HUD/Contract Administrator.
Once the HAP Request has been reconciled in Property Manager using the Reconcile Selected HAP Request task you may no longer reject an item on that HAP Request.
Refer to the legend at the bottom of the HAP Requests Tab page to determine the transmission status of a file, and the Status column to determine if the HAP Request has been reconciled.
Occupancy and Compliance Detail
select the community in the context bar
HAP Requests Tab
Define the search criteria, and click Refresh to find the file you want to reject.
Select the file by clicking on it.
Click Tasks and select Reject Selected Item.
Verify you have selected the correct file to reject.
Click Finished.
Transmit/Retransmit TRACS Files in Selected Item