This task is used to add a fixed asset for the unit, so you can track it in Property Manager.
The Fixed Asset has been created as a Location Item with the Asset Category set to Fixed asset at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition.
Unit Detail
Maintenance Tab
Fixed Assets Tab
Add Fixed Asset to Unit
Select a Material Type from the list in the left column. (I.e. - Appliances)
Material Types are maintained at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Material Type.
For the selected Material Type, select a Fixed Asset Item from the list in the right column. (I.e. - Refrigerator)
A Fixed Asset Item is a Location Item created at the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition table that has the Asset Category set to Fixed Asset. The Location Item must also be assigned to a Location Type (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Type Items) that applies to communities.
If there are no Location Items that meet these criteria, you will see the message: "No fixed asset items have been defined for the selected material type."
Click Next to select/enter the details for the Fixed Asset.
Select a Material from the drop down list. What appears in this list depends on what is selected in the Filter Materials By drop down list.
Filter Materials By Related Materials - only materials that are related to the Location Item (System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials that Go With Items) will be listed.
Filter Materials By Material Type - only materials that have the same Material Type as selected on the first step of this task will be listed.
Filter Materials By All Material - all materials created at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials will be listed.
Enter the Manufacturer, Make, Model Nbr, Color, Size, Warranty Length, and Warranty Period, will be filled in from the System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Materials table for the Material selected.
These are only defaults and can be changed as necessary.
Any or all these fields will be blank if they haven't been defined for the selected material.
The bold Location Codes are ones that are defined for the selected community on the Unit Detail > Maintenance > Maintenance Definition tab.
Asset Tag - Enter the asset tag number, if applicable.
Serial Nbr: Enter the serial number, if applicable.
VIN Nbr: Enter the VIN number, if applicable.
Type Code: Select a type code from the drop-down list.
Purchase Date: Enter the purchase date.
Purchase Price: Enter the purchase price.
Click Next.
Rent Increase Applies: Select this parameter if the addition of this fixed asset will cause a rent increase.
Enter the Installation Date. This date is used as the start date for the rent increase to be recorded from this Fixed Asset Addition.
Enter the Delivery and Installation Cost. This amount will be added to the purchase price in the calculation of the rent increase. Do not include any finance charges.
Select the Estimated parameter if the rent increase is to be considered estimated. This flag is for Vacant Units, and with this flag set, an “Est.” check box will show for the unit on the Occupancy and Compliance > Manage Vacancies tab alerting the user to the fact that the rent shown isn’t final
Click Next.
If you have enabled Document Imaging for your database, click Next to add attachments.
If Document Imaging has not been enabled for your database or your Access Role (System Administration > Define Access) does not have access to this functionality, you will just click Finished to add your fixed asset.
Click here to for a description of the Manage Attachments step of this task.
Click Finished.
When the Location Items are set up as Fixed Assets at System Administration > Maintenance Setup - Location Item Definition, they can be set to have the following fields required: Manufacturer, Model Number, and/or Serial Number.