Tenant - EFT Payment Batch

Select this option to process tenant rent payments that are received via EFT (electronic funds transfer).


The tenants must be set up as EFT households by using the Modify EFT Choice on the General Tab of the household.

Payment Batch Detail

1.         Batch Date and Batch Type will be pre-filled with the information you entered on the Start Payment Batch screen.

2.         Batch Owner and Batch Description will default to the information you entered on the Start Payment Batch screen, however you can change them here.

3.         EFT Nbr: Enter the EFT number - the identifying number from the bank for the transfer.

4.         Due Date: Enter the due date or click on the drop-down arrow and select a date from the calendar. (i.e. If this batch is for October 2006 Rent then the due date is 10/01/2006.)

5.         Community: This field will default to <All Authorized Communities> and only active communities will appear in the drop-down list..  If you receive payments for multiple communities together you must leave this set to the default.  Otherwise select the community from the drop-down list.

6.         Total Amount: Enter the total amount received in this transfer.

7.         Click Next.

8.         A pop-up message will appear asking if you would like the system to automatically generate this payment batch  based on the charge due date, with an explanation of your choices.  Click Yes or No.  Click Cancel if you need to edit the information on the current screen before proceeding.

Review Payment Batch

9.         This screen will list proposed Rent payments for the households that are setup for EFT and have an outstanding Rent receivable balance for the due date selected.  Check and/or uncheck the boxes in the Pay? column as appropriate for the amounts you received.


10.     If you received any amounts in addition to the Rent balances listed you can click the Add button on the right of the Proposed Payments title bar to add unapplied amounts.

11.     When the Total Amount and Allocated Amount match and you are satisfied the payment batch is correct click Next.

Retained Costs

12.     When processing a batch that contains a payment made toward a repayment agreement, you can edit the retained cost amount on the Retained Costs tab.


The retained cost amount is limited to 20% of the total payment amount, per HUD guidelines.


13.     On the Retained Costs tab, the grid displays a list of payments in the batch that are being made toward repayment agreements. The following informational fields pull data from earlier steps. Review the fields:

            Agreement ID—The unique ID of the repayment agreement

            Community—The name of the community at which the tenant resides

            Household—The household issuing the payment

            Unit—The unit in which the tenant resides

            Due Date—The date on which the payment is due

            Amount—The amount of the tenant's payment

14.     If any information needs to be modified, click Prev to return to earlier steps.

15.     If you want to modify the retained cost amount, enter the amount in the Retained Costs field. The retained cost amount can be up to 20% of the total payment amount. The Max Allowed field will display the maximum retained cost amount allowed.

16.     Verify that the amount in the Retained Costs field is correct, and then click Next.

Process Payment Batch

17.     This screen will display pre-processing messages about the payment batch and will indicate if the batch is ready to be processed, or if there are errors that need to be corrected.

18.     If there are errors click Prev to return to the Review Payment Batch screen and make corrections.  If the batch is ready to be processed click Next.


19.     A pop-up window will appear stating the payment batch is ready to be processed.  Do you want to process this payment batch now?


Click Yes, No or Cancel.

If you click Yes:

If you click No:

If you click Cancel:

Back to Start New Payment Batch

Related Topics:

Modify EFT Choice

Continue Processing Selected Batch

Delete Selected Batch

Adjust Posted Payment

Reverse Selected Event

v 7.3