This task is used to continue processing a pending payment batch - one you started and saved but did not finish processing.
When the batch selected is the Batch Type "Tenant - From File" created from the Start New Payment Batch from File task, the only changes allowed are how a payment is allocated. You can't delete payments, add payments, change check numbers or change amounts.
The payment batch must be one that was saved in progress and appears in Pending Payments Batches.
Accounting Detail
Payments Tab
highlight the pending batch you want to continue
Continue Processing Selected Batch
Accounting Detail
General Info Tab
Select the To-Do List Pending Payment Batches Activity
Continue Processing Selected Batch
Payment Batch Detail
Make any necessary changes to the information on the Payment Batch Detail screen.
Click Next.
Include Unbatched Payments Tenant - Cash/Check payment batches only
You can include payments in the batch that were received at the household level by checking the box next to the household name.
Click Next.
Add/Edit Payment Batch Tenant - Cash/Check payment batches only
You can add any additional payments and make any necessary changes.
You can add a new receivable charge from within the payment batch by clicking Add on the right side of the screen in the Receivables title bar.
To add an unapplied or prepaid amount click Add on the right side of the screen in the Unapplied or Prepaid Items title bar. You may also edit or delete an unapplied or prepaid amount you added.
Click Next.
Review Payment Batch
If you are processing a Tenant - Cash/Check payment batch you can review the batch and make changes to the payments using the Add Pmt, Edit Pmt, and Delete Pmt buttons.
If you are processing a Tenant - EFT payment batch you can review the batch and make any necessary changes. If you received any amounts in addition to the Rent balances listed you can click the Add button on the right of the Proposed Payments title bar to add unapplied amounts.
If you are processing a Subsidy payment batch you can review the batch and make any necessary changes. If you received any additional amounts or the agency deducted an amount that is not listed you can click the Add button on the right of the Proposed Payments title bar to add unapplied subsidy amounts.
Once you are satisfied the batch is correct and complete Click Next.
Process Payment Batch
The pre-processing messages screen will appear indicating if there are any errors, warnings, and if the payment batch is ready to be processed.
Errors will display the Household Name, Household ID, Receivable Type, Amount and Due Date making it easy to identify the problem payment(s) in the batch.
If there are warnings you did not expect or errors click Prev to go back to the Review Payment Batch screen to make corrections.
If the batch is ready to be processed click Next.
A pop-up will appear stating "This payment batch is ready to be processed. Do you want to process this payment batch now?"
Click Yes, No or Cancel.
If you click Yes:
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
Select any reports you want to print by checking the box next to the document name.
Set the Sort By parameter for each selected report to specify how you want that report sorted.. Reports can be sorted by Last Name, Apt. Number or Check/Money Order Nbr.
Specify the number of copies you want for each report.
You can preview the reports by clicking the Preview icon next to the document name.
Click Finished.
The payment batch has now been processed and will appear in the Batch History view.
If you click No:
You will be brought to the Print Options tab where there will be no reports available to print.
Click Finished.
The payment batch will appear as a pending payment batch. You can process the batch at a later time or delete the batch if you are not going to process it.
If you click Cancel:
You will be brought back to the pre-processing messages screen where you can click Prev to go back and edit the batch.
Q. Can someone other than the Batch Owner (the employee who started the payment batch) use this task to process the batch?
A. Yes, the default security is set to allow other users to continue processing payment batches for which they are not the Batch Owner. This can be prevented by un-checking the "Modify Payment Batch Owner" box in Property Manager>System Administration>Maintain Lookup Tables>Business Constants.