Start New Payment Batch

Go to System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants to require Separate Payment Batches for Receivables and Deposits by selecting this parameter. Then, users can choose between the Tenant - Receivables Only and Tenant - Deposits Only batch types. If this parameter is not selected, then users can receive payments received against both receivables and deposits using the Tenant - Cash/Check batch type.

Go to System Administration > Accounting Setup - Payment Batch Types to customize certain parameters in regards to Payment Batches.

Go to System Administration > Accounting Setup - Payment Batch Type to enable the Payment Batch Type for Deposit of Batches.


When you enable the Payment Batch Type for Deposit of Batches, and then click Finished, the batch will debit an Undeposited Funds GL account. When all of the Undeposited Funds batches have been created for a deposit, you will use the Create Deposit of Batches task to reclass the deposited funds to the Cash GL Account.

This allows you to record the actual payment receipt date from a tenant separately from the actual deposit date to the bank. That way a tenant will not be unnecessarily assessed a late charge because a payment they made on time was deposited to the bank after the grace days allowed by the Late Charge Method assigned to the Community Funding Program Group at the Community Detail > Rent tab.


To post new tenant and subsidy payment batches, follow these steps:

1.         Go to Accounting Detail > Payments Tab.

2.         Go to Tasks > Start New Payment Batch.

3.         Complete the following fields:

        Batch Date—Enter the date of the bank deposit.


The system defaults to today's date. For reconciliation purposes, it is recommended to enter the date your bank deposit was made.


        Batch Owner—Enter the employee associated with this batch.


The system defaults to the name of the employee with access to Property Manager.


        Batch TypeSelect the batch type from the drop-down list.


If you receive separate payments not included in a HAP Request payment from HUD, select the Subsidy - Non-HAP Payment Batch Type to receive this money. However, all open items that have been requested on a HAP Request must be received in a Subsidy - HAP Request Payment Batch Type.


        Batch Description—Enter a description for the batch.


This description is displayed on the Payment Batch Detail page, and the default memo for each payment. It also appears in the Notes column for each post payment in the household's Event History.


4.         Click Next.

5.         Depending on the batch type selected, complete the steps on one of the following pages:

        Subsidy - HAP Request

        Subsidy - USDA

        Subsidy - Non-HAP

        Tenant - Cash/Check

        Tenant - Receivables Only

        Tenant - Deposits Only

        Tenant - EFT

        Tenant - PayPal

        Tenant - Credit Card

Related Topics

         Start New Payment Batch from File

         Continue Processing Selected Batch

         Create Deposit of Batches

         Print Pending Batch Reports

         Delete Selected Batch

         Adjust Posted Payment

         Reverse Selected Event

         Record NSF for Selected Payment