Release Notes—November 20, 2014 PMU


Important Notices for Users:

Several improvements in functionality have been included in this maintenance release of 9.2.  Please check the following release notes for all other enhancements and changes delivered with 9.2:

Property Manager:

·        Household Detail

·        Members

·        IR 83525 - Foster children and foster adults are now being correctly counted as family members on the 50059 file and the MAT file. Additionally, live-in aides and medical aides are now being correctly counted as non-family members.

·        Community Detail

·        Program Groups

·        IR 84144 - A database error is no longer received when a new funding program group is added to a community that is either active or in implementation.

·        Occupancy and Compliance Detail

·       TRACS

·        IR 84165 - Owner/Agent Request Agreements (OARQs) that were to be included on future HAPs are no longer removed from Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS tab > Miscellaneous Adjustments tab. Previously, the OARQs only appeared under Accounting Detail > Subsidy Activity tab.

·       MINC

·        IR 83459 - Invalid budget lines have been removed from proposed budgets.

·       LIHTC

·        IR 69015 - The correct Building Identification Numbers (BINs) are now being reported to the Web-Based Annual Reporting System (WBARS) on transfers between BINs.

·        IR 79187  - Properties with only HOME funding can now build and transmit files to WBARS.

·        IR 82802 - The correct move-in and move-out dates for transferred households are now being populated in an LIHTC file for WBARS, regardless of date range.

·        IR 83035 - Full time students are now being correctly listed on the LIHTC file sent to WBARS.

·        IR 83580 - All applicable certifications are now available for inclusion into the HUD LIHTC Tenant Data collection XML export file, regardless of date range.

·       Conversion Detail

·       Households Tab

·        IR 82999 - The Program Group tab in the Add New Household to Unit task is now correctly configured to allow the tab button to select a program group.

·        IR 83069 - An error no longer occurs during the Add New Household to Unit task when the task is used to add multiple new households. Previously, the task would properly add the first household, and then show an error when attempting to add subsequent households.

View a complete list of release notes for Property Manager 9.2.