Release Notes—September 18, 2014 PMU


Important Notices for Users:

Several improvements in functionality have been included in this maintenance release of 9.2.  Please check the following release notes for all other enhancements and changes delivered with 9.2:

Property Manager:

·        Household Detail

·        Forms

·        IR 75641 - The TTP field has been updated to calculate as follows: (Tenant Rent) + (Utility Allowance) - (Utility Reimbursement).

·        IR 76187 - The Alaska TIC is now available for use.

·        IR 82250 - The Household Income at Move-In field on the California TIC is now correctly populated only on recertifications. Previously, this field would also be populated on move-in certifications.

·        IR 82548 - The MINC XML files has been updated so that the action code is not dropped when a household has been recertified and their income puts them at the USDA Note Rent.

·        IR 82945 - The Total Subsidy Authorized field is now being correctly populated on the MAT file.

·        IR 82964 - A new Oregon HOME TIC is now available for use.

·        Accounting

·        IR 82264 - The Change Terms for Selected Promissory Note for a Note Receivable now correctly does not require an agreement ID.

·        Members

·        IR 82584 - Foster children and foster adults are now correctly counted as family members when reporting information to TRACS. Previously, foster children and foster adults were counted as both family member and non-family member.

·        IR 82803 - In USDA households, the Number of Foster Children (If Any) field is now correctly populated with the total number of foster children.

·        Community Detail

·        Program Info

·        IR 82586 - The ineligible income layer is no longer suppressed for any optional program.

·        Occupancy and Compliance Detail

·       TRACS

·        IR 82268 - When using the Reconcile Selected HAP Request task, if a repayment agreement that was originally included on the HAP is marked as Not Approved, the HAP total is now correctly adjusted. Previously, the task would not adjust the total HAP amount when an agreement was added or removed from the HAP during the reconciliation wizard, causing the task to fail because the total HAP and approved amounts did not match.  

·       Business Detail

·        IR 68995 - Entering telephone numbers for business contacts on the Business Detail page no longer causes a database error.

·        IR 69470 - Saving changes on the Business Detail page no longer causes a database error.

View a complete list of release notes for Property Manager 9.2.