This task is used to add a household to a unit during the conversion process. This is how you enter your existing tenants in their current units into Property Manager.
Conversion Detail
Households Tab
Add New Household to Unit
Select Move-in or Transfer
If you selected Move-in, enter the Unit Move-in Date.
If you selected Transfer, enter the Unit Move-in Date and the Community Move-In Date.
Click Next.
Select the unit for the household, or the unit in which the tenant currently lives, and then click Next.
Select the Funding Program Group and the use the drop down menu to select the Initial Counted Layer associated with that group. Click Next.
Use the drop down menu to select a Transaction Type, Effective Date, and Next Recert Date. Click Next.
Enter criteria in the Applicant Search to search for the household's applicant. Click Next.
Review Possible Matches.
If the results do not show the person you are looking for, leave the I did not find a match, use the information entered on the previous screen option selected and click Next.
If the results do show the person you are looking for, select the I found a match, use the person selected below option and click on the person in the list. Select your Household Options and Address Options, and click Next.
Select if you want to Create a new household for this person or Use the existing household under Household Options.
Select if you want to Use new address that you entered on the previous screen, Use household address, or Use unit address under Address Options.
Select or Add Members to include in the household. Click Next when complete.
Select the check box next to any applicant to include in the household.
To add New Household Members, enter the member's information into the fields. Tab from the Relation column to add a new row.
Modify Member Details, if needed. Select the Household Member then add, update, or delete any necessary information. Click Next when complete.
Manage Expected Additions.
To add an expected addition to a household, click the Add link. On the Expected Household Addition page, use the drop down menu to select the Type of expected household addition, and enter the Effective date and End date of the expected household addition. Click OK.
To edit an expected addition to a household, click the Edit link to open the Expected Household Addition page. Make the necessary changes and click OK.
To delete an expected addition to a household, click the addition to be removed and click the Delete link. Click OK.
Manage Personal Information.
Title and Suffix : Use the drop down menu to select a title and suffix for this applicant.
First, Middle, Last, and Maiden Names: Enter or modify the applicant's name.
Gender: Use the drop down menu to select the applicant's gender, or leave blank if the applicant chooses to withhold this information.
Date and Place of Birth: Enter the applicant's date and place of birth.
Student Status: Use the drop down menu to indicate if the applicant is a student, and select the Institute of Higher Education? box if the applicant attends a university or college.
Social Security Number: Enter the applicant's Social Security number
Marital Status: Use the drop down menu to indicate the marital status of the applicant.
Alien Registration Number and INS SAVE Number: Indicate, if applicable, the applicant's Alien Registration number or INS SAVE number.
Occupation: Enter the applicant's occupation
E-mail Address: Enter the e-mail address of the applicant.
Driver's License and State: Enter the driver's license number of the applicant and the state where it was issued.
Manage Personal Phone Number(s). Enter up to three personal phone numbers associated with this resident.
Use the drop down menu to select the Phone Number Type.
Enter the nine digit Phone Number.
Manage Ethnicity and Race.
Use the drop down menu to select the applicant's Ethnicity.
Select all Race boxes that apply to the applicant.
Manage Funding Program Specific Information
Use the drop down menu to select the Handicap Status of the applicant.
Select all impaired, disaster displaced, or veteran boxes that apply to the applicant.
Edit the Income & Expense Worksheet for this applicant. When complete, click Next.
To add a preliminary asset, income, and expense item, click the Add link.
Use the drop down menus to select the applicant Name, Class, and Type.
To complete adding an asset, use the drop down menu to select the Asset Type and enter a Description and Account Number.
Enter the Gross Value and Estimated Cost to Cash. The system will automatically generate the Net Asset Value.
Select if the Growth is Amount or Rate. If Amount, enter the amount and the how often that amount is added. If Rate, enter the rate.
Check the Imputed box if the asset information is imputed, and enter a Disposal Date.
To complete adding income, enter the Amount and the Hours/Period, as well as the Frequency and Periods/Year. The income calculation result is automatically generated by the system.
If the Type entered for Income is Business, a More link will appear. Click this link to add Verification of Employment - Regular Income, Verification of Employment - Year to Date, Paystub - Average, and Paystub - Year to Date.
Click the Calculate button to have the system generate annual income.
Click OK.
To complete adding an expense item, enter in the amount of the expense and use the drop down menu to select the frequency. The system will automatically calculate the expense.
To delete a preliminary asset, income, or expense item, select the item to be removed and click the Delete link.
If the applicant has a voucher, select the New Voucher option, use the drop down menu to select the Voucher Source, then enter the Renewal Date, Voucher Size, Rent, and Subsidy. The total will be automatically calculated. If the applicant has no voucher, select the No Voucher option.
View the Income & Expense Summary. The information on this page is for reference only and cannot be edited. Click Next.
Create Transaction.
Under Household Certification, enter or change the Next Recert Date, Rent, Utility Allowance, and Gross Potential.
Under Certification Options, enter a Movein Income Limit and Tax Credit Move In Date.
Under Lease Information, use the drop down menu to select the Lease Term.
Under Rent Regulation, manage rent regulations as necessary.
Review Transactions. The information on this page is for reference only and cannot be edited.
Click Finished.