Subsidy Activity Tab

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This tab displays subsidy activity for the community selected in the context bar that is not related to a specific tenant or household, such as Special Claims, Miscellaneous Adjustments, and Agency Holdback.

In the Open Items area, in the Group By field, you can select one of the following options to view specific items:

            No Grouping—Select to view all details of the open items.

            By HAP Request—Select to view open items summarized by HAP request. The By HAP Request option is only applicable to HUD funding programs.

            By Due Date—Select to view open items summarized by their due date.

In the Event History area, you have the following options for viewing events:

            View—Select the Summary, Detail, or Full Detail option.

            Group by—To view the events grouped by event date, select Event Date. To view the events grouped by the time stamp, select Time Stamp.

            Show ReversalsSelect the check box to include events that have been reversed, or clear the check box to exclude them.

            Filter by—Select the type that you want to view.