Reconcile Selected HAP Request

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This task is a wizard used to adjust the HAP Request to account for certifications that were rejected and payments that were held or released by HUD.  It guides you through the steps of reviewing the certifications that were transmitted on the HAP Request.  Throughout the reconciliation process the system will show the updated running balance of total regular assistance, total adjustments, total HAP vs. entered Revised HAP amount - remaining difference to reconcile.  When the certifications on the HAP Request are successfully updated, and the components that will make up the HAP payment are identified, the HAP Request will have a status of Reconciled.

While going through the HAP Reconciliation process, there is a check box on the tabs to "Reconcile using TRACS Unit Nbr."  This should help to make reconciling easier when the HUD apartment numbers are different than the apartment numbers used in Property Manager.


This task will be available for a successfully Reconciled HAP that may need to be modified and re-reconciled.

It is recommended the reconciliation be completed around the 20th of the month, when any revisions to the HAP Request are made available by HUD.  For strategies on how to gain access to the accepted HAP information, contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.

Once a HAP Request is reconciled, posting the payment should require no extra analysis.

How do you get here?

Occupancy and Compliance Detail TRACS Tab General Tab highlight the HAP Request Reconcile Selected HAP Request


Occupancy and Compliance Detail TRACS Tab HAP Requests Tab highlight the HAP Request Reconcile Selected HAP Request

To Reconcile the HAP Request:

  1. Approved HUD Total: Enter the subsidy amount approved by HUD.  Even if this amount has not changed from the original request, it is recommended you still reconcile the HAP Request.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Certifications: If the HAP Request has already been successfully reconciled you will be prompted to confirm that you want to continue.  Upon confirmation the status of the HAP Request will revert from Reconciled to Active.

  1. If the approved amount does not differ from the original request, and the Revised HUD Total (approved amount), therefore, matches the Pending Total (original requested amount), no adjustments are necessary, and all subsequent detail tabs in the wizard will be available.  You may click on the Complete Reconciliation tab to skip the other detail tabs. Skip to step 13.

  2. The top of the screen displays certifications already on the HAP Request, if any.

  1. The default status for each certification is set to Accepted by HUD, and can be changed to Rejected by HUD.

  1. The bottom of the screen displays certifications not on the HAP Request but eligible to added to the HAP, if any.

  1. The default status for each certification is set to Pending Next HAP, but can be changed to Accepted by HUD.

  1. Click Next.

The Misc Adjustments, Special Claims, Regular Subsidy and Subsidy Adjustments tabs all work in a similar manner.  The top of the screen displays items on the HAP Request, if any, and the bottom of the screen displays any items not on the HAP Request but eligible to be added to the HAP Request.

  1. Misc Adjustments

  1. The Adjustment ID associated with each Miscellaneous Adjustment is also displayed here and on the Accounting Detail > Subsidy Activity tab and is the same Adjustment ID that is displayed on the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS > Misc Adjustments tab to make it easier to see which Miscellaneous Adjustment is attached to a particular HAP.

  2. Adjustments displayed in the top half of the screen default to Approved for Pmt, but can be changed to Not Approved.

  3. Adjustments displayed in the bottom half of the screen include items from this and previous HAP Requests, that default to Not Approved, but can be changed to Approved for Pmt, to add them to this HAP Request.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Special Claims

  1. Claims displayed in the top half of the screen default to Approved for Pmt, but can be changed to Not Approved.

  2. Claims displayed in the bottom half of the screen include items from this and previous HAP Requests, that default to Not Approved, but can be changed to Approved for Pmt, to add them to this HAP Request.

  1. Click Next.

  1. Repayment Agreements

  1. The Request ID associated with each Repayment Agreement is the same Agreement ID that is displayed on the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > TRACS > Repayment Agreements tab to make it easier to see which Repayment Agreement is attached to a particular HAP.

  1. Regular Subsidy

  1. Regular subsidy requested on this HAP is displayed in the top half of the screen, and the status for each defaults to Approved for Pmt, but can be changed to Held by HUD.

  1. Subsidy amounts held from this and previous HAP Requests will be displayed on the bottom half of the screen, and can be added to this HAP Request, if HUD has released payment for them with this HAP Request.

  1. Click Next.

  1. Subsidy Adjustments

  1. Adjustments displayed in the top half of the screen default to Approved for Pmt, but can be changed to one of the following if necessary:

  1. Adjustments held from this and previous HAP Requests, will be displayed on the bottom half of the screen, and can be added to this HAP Request, if HUD has released them with this HAP Request.

  1. Click Next.

  1. Complete Reconciliation

The summary screen at the end of the wizard is similar to the summary screen when receiving a payment batch.  It summarizes the batch and indicates if there are errors, taking into account the Revised HUD Total entered at the start.

  1. Click Next.

A pop-up message will appear "This HAP Request is ready to be reconciled.  Do you want to mark this HAP Request as reconciled?"

  1. Click Yes to continue.

  1. Print Options

The final tab of the wizard offers the option to print any or all of the following documents:

Select any documents you want to print, then click Finished to send them to your printer.

Expected Result:

On the TRACS General Tab the HAP Request will now be displayed with HAP payments due in the Activity column, indicating that you may now receive the payment for that HAP Request.

On the TRACS HAP Requests Tab the HAP Request will now be displayed with Reconciled in the Status column.

Related Topics:

Start New Payment Batch