This task is used to process a completed application that has been received back from the tenant. The task allows the user to select applications to be processed. If a prospect has been sent more than one application, you can select to process only the applications that the individual has returned.
The application must have been sent in Property Manager using the Send New Application task.
Household Detail
General Tab
Process Application
Occupancy and Compliance Prospects Tab
the Applicant/Household
Process Applications for Household
Enter any changes to the address and/or phone numbers for this household.
Click Next.
Select or de-select household members from the current list by clicking the appropriate check box.
Click Next.
Select any existing waitlist entries (for applications sent) that you want to remove, and select any additional waitlist entries for the applicant that you want to add.
Click Next.
Modify household members.
Edit the information for household members as needed. The fields marked by * are required.
More fields are required here than when you added the member in the Send New Application task. Click here for more details
Click the Add, Edit or Delete links for Expected Family Additions, if necessary.
Click Next.
Enter in the information for income and expenses. Click here for more details.
Click Next to review the Income and Expense Summary and then click Next again.
Enter the apply date.
Check off any appropriate optional boxes for this household.
Check off the bedroom size(s) for which this household is waiting.
If the household has a 3rd party voucher choose the Voucher Source from the drop-down list.
If you want to set a waitlist preference for the household select it from the drop-down list.
Only Waitlist Groups with waitlist preferences defined will have them displayed in this drop-down list. Waitlist preferences are defined at the Community Detail > Waitlist tab or the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > Waitlist tab using the Maintain Waitlist Parameters task.
As you enter the information in the Waitlist Defaults section it will set it as the default information for all waitlist entries below it. If you need to change the information for a specific waitlist entry go to that waitlist entry on the screen and make the necessary changes.
Click Next.
An Overall Status window will pop up with a Passed or Failed message.
If it failed you may need to make a correction or contact Bostonpost Client Support at myMRI or contact a Client Support Analyst directly at (877) 579-8896 for assistance.
If it passed click Close.
If you have set the "Display Location" to "Process Application" for one or more Application Fees added at System Administration Detail > Accounting Setup - Charge Type Setup, they will be displayed here to be assessed against the household.
Select one or more Application Fee to be assessed.
Accept the default amount for each Application Fee as defined at System Administration Detail > Accounting Setup - Charge Type Setup or change the amount as necessary.
Click Next.
Select any available documents you want to print by checking the box next to the document name.
If a household member who is the head of household, spouse or an adult co-tenant and who is elderly, disabled or handicapped; Property Manager will automatically create a Social Security Reference Form using the S.S. Business selected at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Business Constants. If you do not wish to have the Social Security Reference Form automatically generated, set the S.S. Business to <none>.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Documents included in the "Applications: Process (Household)" Document Group (System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups) will be included in the list of available documents.
Specify the number of copies you want for each document.
You can preview many of the documents in Microsoft Word, make changes, and print them within Microsoft Word by clicking the preview icon.
Click Finished.
If you have set a Default S.S. Business on the Business Constants table under System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables, a Social Security Reference will automatically be created. If you do not want this to occur, set the S.S. Business to None.