When using the Add Prospect task, you have the ability to log the contact with any detailed notes, specify the referral type and source (i.e. - Newspaper / The New York Times), rate the lead as being either hot, warm, cold or not rated, specify a desired lease term (in months), move-in date and price range, schedule a date for an appointment, and specify a date to follow-up with the prospect. You can also use Household Codes to specify specific requests and/or needs of the Prospect. You can also select which amenities the prospect is interested in. You can select which Communities and Program Types for the Prospect. When adding a prospect, you are required to enter one type of contact information for the prospect - email address, physical address or phone number.
From the Add Prospect task, you now have a Guest Card for a household. If one user creates a Guest Card for a household for a community that user has access to and another user creates another Guest Card for the same household but for a different community that only the second user has access to, then the household has 2 Guest Cards - one created by each user.
Occupancy and Compliance Applications Tab
Add Prospect
Enter as much information as possible about the prospect in the search criteria to see if the prospect already exists in the database. The more information you enter, the better the search will be.
Click the Search button.
If no matches are found, click Next to create a new prospect, or update the criteria and search again.
If matches are found, select on of the following and then click Next.
I did not find a match, use the information entered above. Indicates that this is a new prospect not in your database
I found a match, use the selected household. Indicates that this household already exists in the database and is now showing interest in a new community/unit.
I found a match, create a new household for the person selected. Indicates that this prospect exists in the database but wants to move into a new community/unit separate from the other persons in the household that he/she currently resides.
Fill out as much of the Guest Card as possible.
Prospect Information - you are required to enter one form of contact information before you can proceed to the next step. Enter either the prospect's Email Address, Phone Number, or Address Information.
Guest Card information
First Contact Date - defaults to today's date. This is the date the prospect first makes contact.
First Contact Type - select from the drop down list
Referral Type/Referral Source - select from the drop down list. Based on the Referral Type, select a related Referral Source
Newspaper - select a specific newspaper from the Referral Source drop down list.
Internet - select a specific website from the Referral Source drop down list.
Referral - Resident - start typing in an existing resident's name to search for that individual in your database.
Brochure/Flyer - select a specific brochure/flyer from the Referral Source drop down list.
Non-Resident - enter the individuals name in the Referral Source field
Phone Book/Yellow Pages - no referral source for this referral type
Drive By - no referral source for this referral type
Agency - select a specific agency form the Referral Source drop down list.
Other - enter the referral source in this free-form text box.
Radio Station - select a specific radio station from the Referral Source drop down list.
Magazine - select a specific magazine from the Referral Source drop down list.
Referral - Employee - select an employee from the drop down list. This drop down list will include all active employees of the management company.
Referral - Other - select a specific Referral - Other from the Referral Source drop down list.
The Referral Source lists for Newspaper, Internet, Brochure/Flyer, Agency, Radio Station, Magazine, TV Station, and Referral - Other are maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Referral Source
Applicant Count - number of members expected to be included in the household.
Desired Term - the number of months the prospect wishes to rent the apartment for
Price Range - the minimum to maximum price range that the prospect is willing to pay for an apartment
Desired Move-in - the date the prospect hopes to move into an apartment
Appointment Date - the date of a scheduled appointment for the prospect to come into the community and meet with a rental agent
A waitlist transaction will be created every time a new appointment is made, which gives a transactional history of all appointments made for a prospect.
Follow up Date - the date you wish to reconnect with a prospect so that you don't lose touch with them and they become stale.
Handicap Unit - select to indicate that the prospect needs a handicap unit.
Community Interest - select the Waitlist Group(s) that the prospect is interested in.
At least one Waitlist Group must be selected before you can move onto the next step
The list of Waitlist Groups is limited to the communities that you are authorized to see.
Bedroom Interest - select the number of bedrooms that the prospect wants
You can select more than one bedroom size. I.e. - prospect really wants a 2 bedroom, but will live with a 1 bedroom.
Household Codes - click the Add link to add any household codes to identify special needs or requests of the prospect.
These Pre-Occupancy Codes include things like "Pet Information" and "Parking Spaces Needed". Other Household (Pre-Occupancy) Codes can be added at System Administration > User Codes.
You can require that the user make an entry for selected Household User Codes (Pre-Occupancy Codes) at System Administration > User Codes. All Pre-Occupancy Household User Codes will be listed, but only those marked as required will need entry before the task can be completed.
The pets and parking needed indicators that were on the waitlist are new Household User Codes (Pre-Occupancy Codes)
You can use the Edit or Delete link to make any necessary changes to the Household Codes already selected for the Prospect.
Amenity Interest - select which Amenities and/or Unit Features that the prospect is interested in.
Contact Log - use the Add, Edit or Delete links to maintain the various contacts you have made with this prospect.
The Contact Log will be updated automatically anytime their status changes.
Click Finished if you do not want to send an application at this time.
Click Next to send an application.
Select the application or applications, as well as other documents included in the "Applications: Send" Document Group at System Administration > Maintain Documents - Maintain Document Groups that need to printed and sent to the prospect.
The HUD Consent Form (HUD-9887) if it is included in this Document Group.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
The status of the person will not change from Prospect to Application Sent until you have printed the application. If you finish the task without have selected an application to print, their status will remain as Prospect.
Click Finished.