Manage Reminders  

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Use this window to create new reminders and manage existing reminders. Double-click an existing Reminder to view its details. When a user receives a reminder, they can snooze it, dismiss it, or click the Process button on the reminder to perform the required action.



Reminders that are black are pending. Reminders that are red are past due. Reminders that are gray and crossed out are complete.


Property Manager automatically creates reminders for Move-Out Notifications, Security Deposit Notifications and EFT Change Notifications. The list of recipients of these reminders is maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Reminder Group Members.


A description of Right-Click Menu options is provided below.


To Add a New Reminder, follow these steps:

  1. Right-Click and select Insert.

  2. Recipients

  3. Subject - Enter the subject for the reminder.

  4. Due Date - enter or select the Due Date and Time for when the reminder should be processed by.

  5. Start Date - enter or select the Start Date and Time for when the work requested on the reminder can be started.

  6. Priority - select either High, Normal or Low

  7. Owner - displays the current user's name that is creating the Reminder.

  8. Category - not currently being used by manually created Reminders.

  9. Click the Recurrence button to define how many times a Reminder should be triggered.

  10. Click OK to save the Reminder Recurrence.  Click Cancel to close the Reminder Recurrence without savings.  Click Remove to delete the Reminder Recurrence from the Reminder and set it back to None.

  11. Click the Actions button to define what tab or task should be opened when the user clicks the Open Item button when they receive the Reminder.

  12. Enter a long description in the text box at the bottom of the window describing, in detail, the reminder to be sent.

  13. Click OK to save the Reminder or click Cancel to quit the reminder without saving or click Process Now to perform the Action defined above.

To Maintain an Existing Reminder, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the Reminder you wish to change.

  2. Make the necessary changes to the selected Reminder

  3. Click OK to save the changes to the Reminder or click Cancel to quit the reminder without saving the changes or click Process Now to perform the Action that was defined.

To Delete an Existing Reminder, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the Reminder.

  2. Right-click and select Delete.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or click No to cancel the deletion.