Use this task to record the Check Number, Check Amount and Check Date for the payment made to the household for a refunded credit. Details of the payment will be displayed in the household’s Event History when view is set to Summary, Detail or Full Detail. With this information available in a household’s Event History, the Rental Agent will be able to easily answer a tenant’s question regarding where their money is.
This task can be used to add refund credit details and to make changes to existing refund credit details on the Refund Credit event.
For customers who use Bostonpost Financials or MRI, Property Manager captures check details for credits that have been refunded to tenants when the Tenant Payable Interface has been enabled to Bostonpost Financials or MRI. Navigate to the Accounting Detail > Disbursements tab and click on the Detail link and Property Manager will query the accounting application and capture the check details and display them on that tab and on the Refund Credit Event.
The task is only available when you have highlighted a Refund Credit event in the Household's Event History.
Household Detail
Accounting Tab
Receivables Tab
Maintain Refund Credit Payment Information
Highlight the Refund Credit event in the Household's Event History
Click the Tasks button and select Maintain Refund Credit Payment Information
Enter the Check Number that was used to pay the household.
Enter the Check Amount that was paid to the household.
This amount may or may not be the same as the amount of the Refund Credit event you are recording this payment information to. I.e. - the check may have paid more than one credit refunded to the household.
Enter/Select the Check Date.
Click Finished to add or maintain the refund credit details.
Details of the payment will be displayed in the household’s Event History when view is set to Summary, Detail or Full Detail. With this information available in a household’s Event History, the Rental Agent will be able to answer a tenant’s question regarding where their money is more readily
Household Detail > Accounting > Deposits - Household Moveout Accounting Activity
Accounting Detail > General Info - Refund Utility Reimbursements
Accounting Detail > Disbursements - Refund Utility Reimbursements
Accounting Detail > Disbursements - Refund Interest on Deposit