This task is used to create a note related to a household, community or business.
Household Detail
Notes Tab
Insert Note
Community Detail
Notes Tab
Insert Note
Business Detail
General Info Tab
For Household Notes select whether the note applies to the entire household or to a particular member of the household.
For Community and Business Notes, this selection is not applicable
For Household and Community Notes, check off whether or not the note is of high importance (not applicable for Business Notes).
selected, the resulting note will have a red exclamation point
The Date and Timestamp will default to the local date and time the note is being added, but this can be changed. The local time zone is calculated based on the state entered at the Community Detail > General tab in the Address Details data window.
The Employee name will be the user that is currently logged into Property Manager and cannot be modified.
For Household and Community Notes, select the Note Type (not applicable for Business Notes)
For Household Notes that relate to a specific member, select the member name from the drop down list.
For Household and Community Notes, select whether to send and email, and if yes, enter the email address or addresses separated by a semi-colon (;).
Property Manager will attempt to send the note as an email when you click finished to the task.
When emailing Household Notes, the subject line of the email will include the household’s full unit address, in addition to the household’s name and the note type.
Enter the description of the note.
You are limited to 4,000 characters in this field. As you type your description, the remaining number of characters will be displayed at the bottom of this field.
You are allowed to enter special characters in the body of the note.
If you have enabled Document Imaging for your database, click Next to add attachments.
If Document Imaging has not been enabled for your database or your Access Role (System Administration > Define Access) does not have access to this functionality, you will just click Finished to add your note.
Click here to for a description of the Manage Attachments step of this task.
For Household Notes, click Next to print any documents added to Insert Note Document Group on the System Administration > Maintain Documents tab.
You can also use the Select All and Deselect All links to help in making your selections.
Click Finished to add your note.