Income and Expense is not its own task wizard, but is part of many task wizards that create certifications. Both from the Household Detail > General & Transaction Tabs as well as the Occupancy and Compliance Detail > Annual Recertification, Manage Vacancies and Leases tabs.
See the Allowances, Income & Rent Calculation data window on the Household Detail > Income and Expense tab for how these items impact the calculation of rent. Look to the rules of your funding program to understand what is included or not (what rules apply).
You are in the process of creating a certification for a household or making a change to an existing certification.
If you have a household in the application process and you a have already processed the application, you would use the Update Application task from the Household Detail > General Information tab to make any necessary changes to the household's income and expenses in regard to their application.
Household Detail
Initial Certification
Interim Certification
Interim Certification (W/O Verification)
Lease Renewal
Unscheduled Certification
Unscheduled Certification (W/O Verification)
Swap Counted Group
Process Application
Update Application
Receive Verification Forms
Create Move-In/Transfer Certification
Household Detail
Rebuild Selected Transaction
Rebuild Selected Transaction for HAP
Fix Pre-Conversion Cert
Occupancy and Compliance Detail Annual
Recertification Tab
Receive Verification Forms
Create Certification
Recreate Certification
Occupancy and Compliance Manage Vacancies Tab
Verification Forms
Create Move-In/Transfer Certification
Occupancy and Compliance Detail Leases
Lease Renewal
Redo Lease Renewal
Create MM/DD/YY Worksheet - the Effective Date of the worksheet has already been determined at the beginning of the task for the certification that you are creating.
In this first step, you will choose Asset, Income & Expense items from prior certifications to copy forward onto this one.
This step will only be visible if there is not an existing "In Progress" or "Preliminary" worksheet for the certification effective date. If there is an existing "In Progress" or "Preliminary" worksheet for the certification effective date, then you will proceed to Edit Worksheet tab. If there is an existing "In Progress" worksheet for this effective date, then you or someone else has already started, but not completed, a certification for this date. "Preliminary" worksheets come from either processing an Application or updating tenant information as part of the Annual Recertification Process.
If you are "Re-Doing" a certification, you will go directly to the Edit MM/DD/YY Worksheet step.
Choose the source of the Asset, Income & Expense items that you want to copy forward from.
The source will generally be the immediately prior certification and any "In Progress" worksheets that were created but the certification they were created for were never completed.
For a Move-in certification, the source will generally be the "Preliminary" worksheet.
If you select an "In Progress" set, the entire set is auto-selected and carried forward as a group to prevent leaving behind any "orphan" worksheet rows.
Select one or more or all Asset, Income & Expense Items to copy forward.
Depending on which task you are in, the financial information (i.e. - dollar amounts) will or will not be copied forward along with the rest of the Asset, Income & Expense Item details. For example Annual Recertifications require you to verify all Asset, Income & Expense Items, therefore financial information will not be copied forward because you will be entering new financial information.
When creating a certification, the Income and Expense carry forward screen includes any assets that appeared on the previous certification for members who are no longer part of the household.
When HUD, USDA, PHA or Tax Credit rules apply and the list of worksheet rows on the Income and Expense / Create MM/DD/YY Worksheet step of a certification task includes an Imputed Asset with a disposal date of less than or equal to 24 months, any Imputed Asset rows meeting this criteria will be selected to copy forward to the certification you are creating and you will not be able to deselect it. If the Imputed Asset has a disposal date greater than 24 months in the past, it will be deselected and you will not be able to select it to copy forward to the certification you are working on.
Click Next.
Edit MM/DD/YY Worksheet - make changes to items copied forward, add new items, and delete items.
If a worksheet already exists with "In Progress" items for the effective date of the certification you are working on, this will be the first step of the Income & Expense portion of the task wizard you are in.
The left data window is a list of assets, income and expenses for the worksheet being created. The class/type, the member of the household that the item pertains to, the reference and the amount is displayed for each item in the list. Totals of all the items by class is displayed at the bottom of this data window along with comparisons to the prior certification. As you click on each item, it's details is displayed to the right.
Select an existing Asset, Income or Expense Item and make the necessary changes to the details of the selected item. Each worksheet row has a Class: Asset, Income or Expenses. Changing the Class will impact which fields below you will see.
For Asset Class, make changes to The Asset Type Information, Asset Value Calculation, Growth and Imputed Asset Information.
When adding an asset with a zero gross value you will receive a warning message stating that “The Gross Value for this asset will be set to $0.00."
When HUD, USDA, PHA or Tax Credit rules apply you will receive an error if you attempt to add an Imputed Asset with a disposal date of greater than 24 months.
When HUD rules apply, expired divested assets will not be included in the asset total. Also, divested assets that are less than or equal to $1,000 will no longer included in the cash value of the assets total, but the asset rows will remain on the certification. The divested asset less than or equal to $1,000 will display on the Household Detail > Income and Expense tab, but will not be included on the HUD 50059 in field #81.
When the HUD Funding Program is BMIR, an imputed asset value will never be calculated.
When USDA rules apply, divested assets that are less than or equal to $1,000 will be included in the cash value of the assets total.
When the calculation of income from assets is required, the passbook rates used for the calculation are maintained at System Administration > Maintain Lookup Tables - Passbook Rates.
For Income Class, make changes to The Income Type Information and Income Calculation
For Expenses Class, make changes to The Expenses Type Information and Expense Calculation
Once a household member reaches the age of 65, when any subsequent certifications are created and the household doesn’t already have a worksheet row for Insurance Expense for Medicare, one will be added during this step of the create certification process.
Click the Add link or the keys [Alt]+A to add a new worksheet item. A new row will be added to the worksheet, to which you will need to select and fill out all the relevant details.
Click the Delete link or the keys [Alt]+D to delete the highlighted worksheet item. You will be prompted to click yes or no, to confirm the deletion.
Click the Copy link or the keys [Alt]+C to open the Copy Asset, Income & Expense dialogue box. From here, you can select to Carry Forward other worksheet items from the previous certification, to Carry Back other worksheet items from a subsequent certification (if any), or to copy worksheet items that are In Progress.
Update the Voucher Information.
Only vouchers that are made available to the community (Community Detail > General Info tab - Maintain Voucher Source) the household is living in can be used by the household.
Information for the existing voucher in effect will be displayed including the Voucher Source, the Renewal Date, the Voucher Size (nbr of bedrooms the voucher is for which may be different from the nbr of bedrooms the unit actually has), and the rent & subsidy amounts.
Outside vouchers that provide no subsidy will not override Tax Credit limits. You have the ability to add a voucher with zero for the subsidy amount in order to track a tenant as a voucher holder. When the subsidy amount is set to zero, the tenant rent portion will be compared to the maximum Tax Credit rent (Add New Voucher, Modify Existing Voucher).
Click Same Voucher to extend this voucher forward. You can change the rent & subsidy amounts for the certification you are working on.
Click New Voucher to change any of the voucher information for this new voucher.
Click No Voucher to end the exiting voucher which the creation of the certification you are working on.
When entering a tenant-based voucher at move-in, you can enter zero (0) for the subsidy amount. Many times at move-in it is known that a tenant has an outside voucher, but the amount the voucher is paying is not yet known. Once you find out the voucher amount, you would use the Rebuild Selected Transaction task from the Household Detail > Transaction tab to enter the corrected voucher information for the Move-in Certification.
Update the Income Calculation. Upon clicking the Save button, the More link will become active. Click this link to view four different methods of calculating income.
Click Next once you are finished editing the Income and Expense Worksheet.
View the MM/DD/YY Worksheet Summary.
You can select which Agency Rules to Apply from drop down list (HUD, USDA, LIHTC, PHA, RCS or CONV). Your choices will be limited to the Agency Rules in effect for the Community/Funding Program Group. The Agency Rules selected will determine which expenses and/or deductions will be displayed.
Each Agency Rules selection will display Income and Expense as follows:
HUD - current adjusted (includes expenses and deductions)
USDA - current adjusted (includes expenses and deductions)
PHA - adjusted plus PHA exclusion plus EID allowance plus deduction totals
LIHTC - Gross plus the alternate income display if enabled on the Community Detail > Program Info tab.
See Discussion of “Alternate Annual Income for Tax Credit” at Community Detail > Program Info.
RCS - Gross
CONV - Gross
If only one Agency Rules apply to the Funding Program Group that the household is in, this drop down list will not be visible.
Under the Tenant Rent will be a description of the Rent Calculation. This description will give you an explanation of the gross tenant payment for the tenant, based on reconciliation of all funding program restrictions.
If any thing is wrong about the worksheet, you can click the Previous button to get back to the edit step for the worksheet.
Click Next.
If this is the latest certification for the household, you will continue to the create certification step for the task that you are in.
If this is a prior certification, you will be presented with the Edit MM/DD/YY Worksheet and MM/DD/YY Worksheet Summary for each certification (oldest to newest) subsequent to the one you are changing. Making changes to income and expenses as necessary and clicking Next until the income and expense worksheets for subsequent certifications have been addressed. Once all have been addressed, you will continue to the create certification step for the task that you are in.
FAQ - How do I maintain Tenant-Based Vouchers?
Why am I not seeing an allowance for the elderly family deduction?
Household Income
and Expense Tab
Recertification Process