This task is used to make changes to the set-up of an existing GL account in Property Manager.
System Administration
Accounting Setup Tab
select the Chart of Accounts from the drop-down list
select the GL account
Modify GL Account
Make the necessary changes to the GL account details fields.
Description - change the account name
GL Account - The GL Account number can not be changed once the GL Account has been added.
If the GL Account number is incorrect, you will need to make this GL Account inactive and add it again with the correct number. Once the new GL Account has been added, you will need to update all charge types the now inactive GL Account was included on.
Account Type - change the type from the drop down list.
The GL Account Type dictates what types of Charge Types and which account assignments within the Charge Types the GL Account can be used for.
If you change the Account Type, the GL Account will still be assigned to Charge Types based on it's old Account Type, but you will no longer be able to assign it based on that old type.
Bank Account Nbr - if this is a cash account, enter/change the Bank Account Number that corresponds to this GL Account Number
This will print out on the Deposit Summary Report that is obtained at the end of the Receive Payments Process. Note: that you can also put in the name of the Bank, if you want that to print on the Deposit Summary Report as well. For example, Bank USA - A/C #100-123456-1
Use Apt as Sub Acct - check this off if you want activity posted to this account to append the Apartment Number to the end of the GL Account Number.
The appended Apt Sub Account will only be visible on export. Reports run from Property Manager and a household's event history will only show the main GL Account number. You can, however, filter most reports by Apt Nbr.
Add Class Code - check this off to append the class code to this account number.
In order for this to work, you must have checked off to append class codes as either a prefix or suffix in the Export Information Setup for all communities that use this GL Account
Active - uncheck if this account is to become inactive.
Once a GL Account has been used in the application, it can not be deleted. This is the only way to stop an account number from being used further.
You can select this option for an inactive GL Account to make it active again.
If this GL Account is assigned to an AP Vendor or Vendor Account Holders at the Vendor Detail > AP Vendors tab, you will required to select a replacement default GL Account for the affected AP Vendors and Vendor Account Holders.
Gross Potential - if the account type is Income, check off this box to specify that items posted to this account should be part of Gross Potential.
Generally these will be the GL Accounts that are used for Rent, Subsidy and Utility Allowance
AP - if the account type is Expense, Other Current Asset or Other Current Liability, this box can be selected to specify which of these GL Accounts will be available for expense distribution on an AP Invoice when in the Receive Invoice task on the Accounts Payable Detail > General tab.
This parameter allows you to limit the list of available GL Accounts to only those that should be used for this purpose.
Click Finished after you have made your changes..